Tokotna Register

Cujo 19227

Alpha | Male | Barbary Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 09/03/2016
Reached on 08/16/2016
Reached on 09/24/2016
Reached on 01/08/2017
Cujo 19227
Aurora Perks
Custom Message
Cujo Line, The King Himself

Death, Grim, Reaper
185 cm

Assassin of the night. The Grim Reaper, 'Death' walking among the living. Cujo has a god-complex like no other, truly believing himself to be invincible and unkillable. He's pretty positive HE'S Death reincarnate. For the living are unworthy, only the dead are pure souls deserving of his compassion. He is their guide, their ferry. He served them.. And in return, they protected him. They granted him power beyond what one could control in this mortal realm. The souls of those passed on protect him from the other side, they keep him alive so that he may serve for them. It's incredibly common of him to 'talk to himself', which is simply him speaking to the dead. Despite his lack of emotion it doesn't keep him from being chipper, in your face, and rambling on! Cujo likes everyone, he likes to talk, he likes to instigate, he likes to take advantage of every opportunity to stir up trouble. Cujo's one friendly guy, but it's all for his own personal gain. He believes there is darkness in everyone and he thrives on bringing on that dark side. Often times this is obtained solely by becoming the best of friends with others, learning what he can, twisting words, or just full on lying to encourage dysfunction. Cujo likes to enjoy himself while performing his duties. He finds everything to be a humorous game. The only thing he takes seriously, next to the dead, are deals. Cujo loves a good deal, and it's typically the only way to get anything out of him that doesn't result in being screwed over. Well.. Screwed over to much.
Muscular but Underweight/Scrawny.

Named Companions
Kay - Handler -