Tokotna Register

The Snatcher 53704

Alpha | Female | Yeti Mane | Dire [50%]
Achieved on 05/27/2022
Reached on 05/28/2022
Reached on 02/28/2023
The Snatcher 53704
Custom Message
"AAAHAHAHAH FOOOOOOOOOOL! You blew it! You totally screwed yourself!"

The Snatcher
Snatcher, Boss, The Prince, Lukas Princeton, ToeHead Looking, Slinky Built, Springloaded Salmon Sleeve
190 cm

The Snatcher is eccentric, dramatic and loves nothing more than to see chaos unfold on the world. He is reserved however to the point that he usually won't go out of his way to cause problems unless he is bored or anxious. He is fairly sensitive and has the attitude of a spoiled prince. He is outgoing and while most of his words are on the degrading side of humor, he finds ways to get along with those he likes. 

He is very distrusting of new people and will usually put them through tests even if they aren't aware of them. He carries the burden of betrayal and has a deep sorrow that he covers up with his antics and showmanship. He expects the worst out of people, but if he is proven otherwise, he will show the greatest amount of respect for them.

He can be demanding, bossy, and can be even a little obsessive at times. He does however have standards and a sense of regal to him. He has strange ways to show that he cares, but anyone who looks past that will find that he is very loyal. Until one has broken past his defenses, he comes off as cruel, uncaring, and downright frightening.

Named Companions