Tokotna Register
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Uqsruaq 15434

Dominant | Male | Curly Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 06/16/2016
Reached on 07/16/2016
Uqsruaq 15434

Ug, Ugh, Get out the fish basket!, King of leaves
Canarctos venatori
Brown piebald merle with tan points, pangare
Not Bonded
185 cm
Healthy - Deceased [07/23/2017]
Base Color Info
Volt Gold (SS)
Special bases that only appear on last line are not passable to offspring.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Voltaire 02
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Ursula 8163
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Vaquero 463
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD:Unknown
Physical Traits
Non-Physical Traits
Aippaqs Fortune II: Heterozygous genes have a +10% chance of passing on to offspring. Rare mane types (Including one carrying parent) have an increased chance of passing on to offspring.
Maujas Draw: Pups have an increased chance of inheriting a random mutation. (Chimerism, Albinism, Bloodmark, or any Hereditary mutations present in the breeding.)
Oddball II: Pups have a significantly higher chance of inheriting physical traits. (such as a bob tail, short ears, curly tail, etc.)
Oonas Blessing II: This trait may be used in place of Fertility Supplements in Breeding, or Fertility Root in Breedings using Starter Slots.
Passionate: Tokota is able to be bred 1 time over the standard monthly limit.
Skill Seeker (UT): Trait Tokens retrieved by the tokota are doubled when redeemed at Toko Tokens Bank.
Snow White II: Up to four companions allowed.
Wild Heart: Tokota can be used for the packmate bonus (5%+ increased chance towards taming success) with any wild Tokota. (Must be full body, does not stack with other packmates or Tokotas with the Wild Heart trait.)
Special Traits (Non-Hereditary)
Fellowship: Provides a +5 bonus to Sporting and Teamwork Competitions.
10 HP
Tracked: 0
Applied: 10
Tokens: 0
AoA (Excellent): 10
Bright Flashlight: Increases success chance of finding items while exploring by 15%. (Will replace Dull Flashlight if already owned)
Carabiner: Increases chance of finding an Elemental Heart by 1% when caving.
Carbon Fiber Rope: Increases chance of collecting rarer items by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a caving expedition to 1%. (Replaces Rope)
Flint Arrows: Increases chance of collecting rarer pelts on a hunt by 10%.
Headlamp: Increases probability of finding gems while on a caving trip by 15%.
Sturdy Bow: Increases chance of collecting rarer pelts on a hunt by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a hunt to 1%. (can be doubled with Flint Arrows, replaces Basic Bow)
Sturdy Rod: Increases chance of collecting rarer fish by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a fishing trip to 1%. (replaces Basic Rod)
Black Cat
Black Cat (Original)
Grants overall luck. Increases the rarity of items found in all Activities.
Elemental (Fire)
Provides a 20% chance to bring back 1-2 Trait Token(s) while Caving and Diving, in addition to the regular item roll.
Raven (Black)
Removes the chance to find trash items while Exploring. Common items will be found in the place of trash. Does not affect addendum rolls.