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Devlin Johnston

Quick Facts:
Title: The Dockmaster
Region: Narnvak
Career: Harbour Master
Quote: "Eh, that bucket of bolts? How de ye expect ta weather them gales in that bea’en ol’ thing, young’un?"
Appearance: Devlin is an old man with a slightly hunched back and a large, ghost-white beard. Combined with a wrinkled face, bushy eyebrows, and a tattered old sailor’s cap, his eyes seem to almost disappear completely, though he claims he can still see perfectly fine. Even after several showers he still smells like the sea.
Personality: Devlin loves to tell tales of his adventures at sea, to anyone that’ll listen, but when asked about the current whereabouts of his beloved ship, he gets misty-eyed and falls silent. Doesn’t like idle chit-chat.
Background: Devlin grew up in a small coastal town, born to a pair of poor parents. From a young age, Devlin would hang out around the dock and harbour area. As soon as he was old enough, he signed up to a local boat crew and became a sailor. He claims to have sailed around the world with “a lass at ev’ry port,” though that’s probably just exaggeration. He moved through the ranks and, when age finally caught up with him and he could no longer sail, he took over the role as Harbour master.
Rumors & Gossip:
  • They say he can tell when the storms are coming in and when they’ll be the strongest.
  • They say he has some control over animals as he’s always followed by a dog or a goat or a bird or some kind. However, aside from his tokota, he’s never seen with the same one twice.
Original NPC inspiration by Ghostcat476