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Don Bolivar

Quick Facts:
Name: Don Bolivar
Title: The Storyteller
Region: Maquraq
Career: unknown, currently retired
Tokota: Zehra 49942
Quote: "The jungle always hides something from someone"
Appearance: Don Bolivar is a weathered old man, with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, probably in his seventies but nobody knows for sure. His skin is a rich brown, very wrinkled and resembling leather that has been left out in the sun for too long. His body is thin and sinewy, and he looks fit despite his age. He usually wears a thin linen shirt, pressed and bleached a striking white, with beige pants and sandals.
Personality: He is a cheery old man with a soft smile and kind eyes. He moves slowly but with purpose.
Background: Don Bolivar was not born in Maquraq, he moved there many many years ago. Why? To do what? Nobody knows for sure, he tells a different story every time you ask: to mine for emeralds, to trade pelts, to find treasure. Maybe he did all of them. Now Don Bolivar spends his days telling stories of Maquraq to anyone willing to listen.
Rumors & Gossip:
  • Don Bolivar knows more than he lets on, but when you try to pry some information from him, he just closes his eyes, smiles, and replies “the jungle always hides something from someone”
Original NPC inspiration by IoNekta