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Garden Setup

Set Up | First Plot | FAQ
➥ Go to the Garden Overview
➥ Go to the Garden Tokotas Guide
➥ Go to the Garden Plants Guide

First Time Garden Setup

Gardening is an interactive casual game on Tokotna that allows you to grow and harvest plants. You can use plants to craft, many of which are only available through gardening. To begin your green thumb adventure, you need to complete a few steps and have at least one bonded Tokota. This guide walks you through your first day of gardening. You can find more in-depth information on the Gardening Guide.

Finding the Garden

You can locate Gardening by hovering over "Activities" on your topmost menu (also called the profile navigation). Next, click "Gardening" on the list to open your garden. This menu is only visible when logged in to Tokotna.

The first time you access your garden, you will see the warning "Your Garden has not been set up!" Above the message, you'll find the gardening menu with access to all gardening-related pages. Click "Manage Garden" to access your Garden Settings. The gardening menu

Picking a Starter Region

The first selection you must make for your garden is which region it is in. You may select between Taniya and Tartok as your starter region. Both regions have neutral compatibility with all plant families, which means they don't provide a benefit or negative to the plant's yield size. However, they have different preferred seasons. For now, pick the region you like the best or the one currently in season. Full information on regions and seasons can be found in the Gardening Guide.

Picking a Garden Tokota

The second selection you must make is to assign a Garden Tokota. Your selected Tokotas carry out plowing, planting, watering, and harvesting. Only Bonded Tokotas may work in your garden. The bonding tier doesn't matter as long as they have at least passed their Tier 1 Bonding. If you don't have a bonded Tokotas, head over to the Bonding Guide and return once you've got one.

After making your selection, click "Save" and return to the Garden using the gardening menu

Your First Plot

When you return to the main garden screen, you should no longer see a warning. Instead, you should see your garden with one unlocked plot in the top left corner, eight locked plots, an Energy bar, Garden Statistics, and Sunrise Log (this last one should be empty).


Before you can begin gardening, you'll need some supplies from the Farmer's Market. This shop is where you can buy dirt and seeds daily, but there are limits to how many per day. Stocking up on Bags of Dirt is never a bad idea.

The minimum you need to purchase is x1 Bag of Dirt (you need to open this in your bank into multiple Piles of Dirt) and x1 Seed Packet (any packet is fine). You need x5 Pile of Dirt for plowing, and a single Bag of Dirt should provide enough.


Once you've gathered supplies, it's time to plow your first plot. Click on the empty plot in the top left corner to open the Plow Popup.

Next, select one of your Garden Tokota assigned and which dirt you want to use. Click "Confirm" to finish plowing your plot. You can't fail, and your plot should be a medium brown now. Also, your selected Tokota gained 1 Plowing Experience, and your Energy Bar should now reflect the energy you spent.

There is a chance your Plowing was Super Effective, which lowers the energy cost for Planting. If there is a small blue icon in the bottom right corner of your plot, that indicates the bonus.


Now that you have a plowed plot, you can plant a seed. Click on the plowed plot to open the Planting Popup.

Next, select one of your Garden Tokota assigned and which seed pack you want to use. Click "Confirm" to finish planting. You can't fail; your plot should have a sprout icon in the middle. Also, your selected Tokota gained 1 Planting Experience, and your Energy Bar should now reflect the energy you spent.

You won't know what you planted until you harvest it later. Plants you've harvested before are added to your Garden Journal and show up with their family-specific icons next time.


Plots need to be watered daily to maintain your plants' health. A small red watering can should be visible in the bottom right corner of your plot; this indicates you haven't watered yet. Click on your plot to open the Care Popup. You should see important information about your plant, including its starting health and harvest date.

Care actions require two selections: which action and which tokota. First, select Water and then choose one of your Garden Tokota. Click "Confirm" to finish watering. You can't fail; the red watering can should be gone and your plot should be a dark brown. Also, your selected Tokota gained 1 Watering Experience, and your Energy Bar should now reflect the energy you spent.

Watering is the most important Care action you can take on your plots. It increases plant health and decreases natural decay, which happens at Sunrise. More information on what happens at Sunrise can be found in the Gardening Guide.

Guarding and Weeding

There are two more Care actions that you can take daily. One is weeding, which is only relevant when you've got weeds in your plot. The second is Guarding, which prevents negative Plot Events. If you have energy and want to Guard your plot, click on the plot to open the Care Popup.

First, select Guard and then choose one of your Garden Tokota. Click "Confirm" to finish guarding. You can't fail; a purple shield icon should appear in the bottom left corner of your plot. Also, your selected Tokota gained 1 Guarding Experience, and your Energy Bar should now reflect the energy you spent.

More information for Events can be found in the Gardening Guide.

Unlocking Plots

If you have leftover energy, then you can spend it to start unlocking your second plot. Click on the second plot to open the Unlock Popup.

Next, input how much energy want to spend. Click "Confirm" to finish unlocking. You can't fail, but you won't be able to unlock the second plot today. Keep spending your leftover energy on unlocking more plots. Also, your Energy Bar should now reflect the energy you spent.

More information on Plots can be found in the Gardening Guide.

Now We Wait

Once you've spent all your energy for today, there is nothing else you can do. Return tomorrow to continue tending to your plants, gain experience, and work towards unlocking more plots. Additionally, read the other Gardening Guides for in-depth information on Gardening. You've only just broken dirt, and there is more to learn.


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