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Import Information Template

Blank Template | Template Explained | Before Submitting | Example Forms | FAQ

This is here to not only provide the required information template you should be using in your stash when getting a new tokota's design checked, but is also here to explain what each field of information is for and how to properly fill this out. While there is certainly a lot of information, we ask that you please read through everything to make sure you understand how to use the provided form.

Please be aware that the form should not be altered in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated. The information where relevant should be filled out to its entirety.
If a field says to remove it if that information is not applicable to that tokota then please do so.

This is the standard template that you must provide in the of any tokota you are putting through Design Central.

Blank Template

Fill out this template and put in description of file - remove all instructions and any areas that list removal if they do not apply to that specific tokota!

Registered Name: add information here
Nickname(s): add information here
Owner: add information here (Remove if Tribe Owned)
Tribe: add information here (Remove if Player Owned)
Species: Tokotas
Breed: (Canarctos venatori if normal built; Canarctos brevis if toki built; Canarctos dirus [##%] if dire built, Canarctos rex if akota built, Canarctos dulcis if dakino built, Canarctos fervidus if tokhara, Canarctos visio if miralta, Canarctos ensurio if makhata. )
Gender: (Male/Female)
Mane Type: (Natural/Half/Half (Royal)/Short/Rough/Sphinx/Curly/Yeti/Barbary/Razor/Razor (Mop)/Long/Long (Gala)/Silky/Wire/Wrinkle (Devon)/Crested/Caribou)
Genotype: add information here
Phenotype: add information here
Hierarchy Status: (Submissive/Average)
Health Status: (Healthy/Inbred) - (Infertile, Sterile, Spinal Defects, Blind, Deaf, Frail, Lame)
Mutations: (Do not add mutation information here, list it below this line.)
Copy and Paste from Import Item References


Copy and Paste from Import Item References
-- SOUL POOL ONLY -- Remove for Main Thread

Physical Traits:
Copy and Paste from Import Item References

Copy and Paste from Import Item References

Base Coats:
Copy and Paste from Import Item References

Sire: Unknown
Dam: Unknown

Add Lines as Required

SS: Unknown
SD: Unknown
DS: Unknown
DD: Unknown
SSS: Unknown
SSD: Unknown
SDS: Unknown
SDD: Unknown
DSS: Unknown
DSD: Unknown
DDS: Unknown
DDD: Unknown
-- CUSTOM LINEAGE -- Remove for Standard Lineage

Designer: [da name]
and: [da name] (Remove if uneeded)
with edits by: [da-name] (Remove if uneeded)
using resources by: [da-name] (Remove if uneeded)
Note: You may not add any additional lines of information. The template should be left intact as it is unless the specific line or section of the forms says you may remove it if not applicable to that tokota.

Template Explained

Registered Name
Your tokota's official name. This is the name that they will show up as on the tokotna site alongside their assigned ID number.
There is a 50 character limit to Registered Names.
Names must follow the naming rules set out in the Official Group Rulebook.

Any nicknames you may have set for your tokota may go here, this can also include pronunciations of their registered name which can no longer be left on the registered name line.
These must, like registered names, follow naming rules set out in the Official Group Rulebook.

You, the owner of the tokota! Your username should be written here to show that you own this tokota. However if the tokota in question is a Tribe Tokota this line should be removed.
Any Tagging functions should be left off, either @ or :dev :. Only a plain text username should be listed, such as Totemspirit and not @/Totemspirit or :dev-Totemspirit:

If the tokota in question is being uploaded as a tribe-owned tokota then the tribe's name should be listed here. If it is owned by individual users though this line should be removed.

Tokotas - Do not touch this, it should be left as is.

This information determines which build of tokota you have.
The options are, as listed out in the blank template, Canarctos venatori if normal built; Canarctos venatori [Dwarfism] if toki built; Canarctos dirus [##%] if dire built, Canarctos akotas if akota built;Canarctos dulcis if dakino built; Canarctos fervidus if tokhara.

For a dire built tokota the ##% should be replaced with the percentage they inherited in the breeding comment.
[Dwarfism] on toki should be left there and not be removed.

The official gender given to the Tokota in the original litter posted by admins. You may not change this without the use of a PotA Token or Metamorphosis Mixture.

Mane type
The mane type your tokota was given in the original litter posted by admins. This may not be changed. This should be listed as a singular word on this line, without the addition of mane beside it, ie. Razor, and not Razor Mane.

The official genotype given to your Tokota in the original litter posted by admins. You may not change this without the use of a PotA Token.
A genotype is the pattern of letters/abbreviated genes that effect the way your tokota appears and reproduces. Look here for more information on Tokota genetics.

The official phenotype given to your Tokota in the original litter posted by admins. You may not change this without the use of a PotA Token.
A phenotype is the description of your tokota's base coat and colors. For instance, "Marked collared tawny with accents."

Hierarchy Status
The starting hierarchy of your tokota. This information is listed when the admin posts the official litter. Tokota just starting out will be either Submissive or Average.

Health Status
The official health status given to your tokota in the original litter posted by admins.
Health statuses have two sides to them; You have the base health, then the defects.
Health status should be listed as Health Status - Defect, (example: Healthy - Blind ) or simply as the base health if no defects are present. (example: Inbred)

Base health is as follows: Inbred or Healthy.
A tokota is either one or the other, never both. What determines which your tokota falls under is their lineage. If your tokota's visible lineage has a single tokota on it multiple times this is considered inbred. If, however, none of the tokotas on it's lineage are there more than once then you are healthy. This goes for those tokota that were rolled from inbred breedings, but the inbreeding no longer shows. Defects do not affect the base health status at all.

Defects are Infertile, Spinal Defects, Blind, Deaf, Frail, Lame and Sterile.
These are either defects your tokota was rolled due to inbreeding, double merle breedings, or you personally put on them yourself, for either RP purposes or otherwise. Please be aware though that adding a full defect for RP purposes has the same negative effect in rolls as one they were born with. Partial defects should in no way be listed here, and should instead be in your personality.

Dwarfism is no longer listed in the health status, but rather is coupled with the build. Please do not list it here.

If your geno was rolled with a mutation listed then this is where you will list it beneath this line using the relevant format from Import Item References.
All mutations a geno has inherited should be listed, and in the case of a chimeric with a mutation on the second geno string, you will need to use the Chimera Mutation version.
Example: A chimeric with Reversal // Bloodmark will list as the following:
Mutation - Chimerism
Mutation - Reversal
Chimera Mutation - Bloodmarked

Using it this way in the form will tell the site that reversal is on the first side of the geno, and bloodmark is on the second.

Soul Pool Only Information - Items
This section should only be left on the form and filled out if you are posting your tokota to the Soul Pool area of Design Central. The information you are adding here should be added exactly as it is listed in the Import Item References.
Relevant information here would be any Decor you are adding.
When adding decor here you must use the available copy+paste references linked above to not only add information on what the decor is, but also credit the user that made said edit. Example: Decor - Small Item x1 (Custom Bob Tail by [Username])
If you are using multiple of the same decor type they need to all be listed together in the same line, with the amount changed to show how many are being used. For example you can not list out two large items separately, instead the amount should be changed to x2. Example: Decor - Large Item x2 (Decor description)

Physical Traits
If your tokota has, or you have added on Physical traits, this section will list which ones. The information you are adding here should be added exactly as it is listed in the Import Item References.

If your tokota has, or you have added on Non-Physical traits, this section will list which ones. The information you are adding here should be added exactly as it is listed in the Import Item References.

Base Coats
If your tokota uses a Guide Swatch or an official Special Base in its design, this section will list which one(s). Leave this section blank if your tokota uses a base coat that is not a Guide Swatch or official Special Base. The information you are adding here should be added exactly as it is listed in the Import Item References.

No longer do you have to fill out every line on the typical tokota. Now all you will need to list is the Sire and the Dam of the tokota.
If your tokota only has one of these and not the other make sure to fill that out and move onto the next section to read what else to do!
Both the Sire and Dam lines need to stay in the form and not be erased, even if there is no name to fill out beside them and they are left listed as Unknown.

Links for the lineage must be linking to their imports on, these import links are available as a pre-formatted link you can grab, as seen here - Tokotna Link
You can copy and paste this directly into the file on the appropriate line.

Custom Lineages
Semi-Customs, Abandoned Pups, Bone Flutes, etc. All of these are assigned lineages to them by admins, rather than having been bred from two tokota. In many cases they do not have both a sire and a dam, but instead names set around in various lines. In that case you will fill this form out with the names you were given listed in their appropriate spots. However keep in mind that the Sire and Dam lines should be left on your form whether they have a name attached to them or are left as Unknown.

If your tokota has a sire and a dam then this section is not needed and may be completely removed from your form.

Here you will list who did the design for your tokota, however we now have some additional lines! These lines should be filled out as applicable without editing or changing how they are listed. The first Design line is required, but any after that that are not applicable should be erased. However please keep in mind that only one name can be added per line.
These credit lines are also only for the base design and resources on it, not for deco edits such as scars, items, etc. Those should be credited on the deco line in the parenthesis we provide for deco comments.
  • The Designer is who did the main design, usually whoever did a majority of the designing work.
  • "and:" section is any secondary designer that needs adding on.
  • "With edits by" is to credit a user who did more minor changes to a design, such as small touch-ups.
  • "using resources by: is to credit someone who offers up re-usable resources, such as custom eye and flesh packs.
Any names placed in here need to stay in the provided brackets and any tagging functions should be left off, either @ or @ or :dev :.
Only a plain text username should be listed, such as [Totemspirit] and not @/Totemspirit or :dev-Totemspirit:

Before Submitting

Is all of the information listed correct and the format correct? Make sure the bolded sections remain bolded and the lines spaced out exactly how they are in the blank template.

Any areas or lines that say they can be removed if not applicable should be erased out, including the Soul Pool Only header and footers, and Custom Lineage ones.

Example Forms

Here we have three examples of correctly filled out forms.
OTB Form A made-up Tokota to show how to fill something out with a lot of additive items.

Bullseye Form and Fishbones Form Two existing tokota set on the current form standard.

Now Fishbones again, but this time the form is improperly filled out.
Incorrect Fishbones Form
By comparing this form to the previously linked correct one you can take note of the differences between them.


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