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Ing'a’s Throat

Warm and sunny during most of the year with occasional thunderstorms. Experiences large storms during hurricane seasons.
At one of the farthest points of Narnvak's coast a huge landmark has been carved out of Narnvak's cliffs by the seawater over thousands of years. Since sea levels dropped, erosion is no longer a concern, but what the once high waters have left behind is a sight to behold: a huge cavern, several stories tall and hundreds of yards long, wraps through the cliff's edge. Accessible from both ends, it creates a U-shape on the coast. Some areas of the cavern have been broken through, allowing beautiful views of the sea outside. Other areas closer towards the center of the cavern are peppered by tiny holes in the outside wall, letting only slivers of light shine through like starlight dotting the night sky. Some areas of the cavern open at the top, littering the ground above with small canyons.
You can easily get lost in the winding and interlacing tunnels, so caution is advised when advancing into the caves. During low tide, a lot of entrances in the cliff’s side are exposed and it might spark the curiosity of a wanderer, but most of the tunnels are flooded during high tides, leading to a quick demise of anyone still spelunking.
  • Ing'a’s Mouth - What is considered the main opening of the cavern. Wide, shallow steps and a ramp have been carved out of the slick stone to allow for safer passage for both locals and tourists alike.
  • Ing’a’s Shrine - A shrine to the local water spirits and Sirens has been carved into the stone, a large space beneath it is always filled with offerings to soothe the spirits and to ask for their protection on sea voyages. The age of the carvings and murals is a mystery, as far as anyone knows they have been there since the beginning of time.
  • It was dubbed the "Siren’s Rest" due to locals often warning people that use the path about disrespecting the Shrine or the Spirits, as there are legends of the Water luring people in with singing or whispered promises. The Locals never use the path at night, as faint singing can be heard echoing off the walls. Some think these are Sirens, while others simply believe the droplets of water are creating this eerie melody, but very few are brave enough to test that theory and even fewer return from such testings. Those that do often tell tales of gorgeous sirens swimming in the River, singing of the open ocean, of love, and of treasure, the travelers only being able to escape by covering their ears and running for their lives. Local Tribes often leave offerings at the shrine to appease the Sirens, so they leave their ships and people in peace.
  • Due to a number of people going missing in the caves and the perceived singing in the area, it is said to be inhabited by Ing'a herself and various sirens that pull unsuspecting souls into the water, never to be seen again

  • Original location inspiration by ArtemistheArtist22, Lachtaube, and Berkelis
    Location art by USERNAME