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James “Jungle Jim” Ducati

Quick Facts:
Name: James Ducati
Nicknames: Jungle Jim
Title: Guide
Region: Maquraq
Career: Extreme conservationist
Tokota: Clarence 54348
Quote: "Humans are careless, destructive creatures and should not be trusted to protect the living world."
Appearance: 5'3", lean, muscled. Black hair, green eyes, deep skin from living in the jungle for many years. Several scars on his forearms and torso. Usually seen wearing ripped jeans and nothing else.
Personality: Cares for animals and nature. Has a deep hatred for humans who disrespect either. Generally calm and collected but when his home is threatened, he can become angry and volatile.
Background: James lived in Narnvak until he was 15, when his parents brought him to Maquraq on vacation. He instantly fell in love with the place and the wildlife there but he was horrified by the state of the campsite where he and his parents stayed, along with several other tourists. Litter was left everywhere and there was complete disregard for the animals that lived there, one of the other families even captured a Capuchin to take home with them. When they arrived back home, James grew distant and despondent with his parents and life in general.

James researched Maquraq thoroughly along with reading every survival guide that he could, closing himself off from all those around him in the process. He took on a part time job and saved every penny that he could. As soon as he had enough money, he left Nanvak, under the cover of darkness, leaving only a note for his parents as to his intentions. He would live in the jungle and protect both it and its inhabitants from human interference. He was 18 at the time of his departure.

On his return to Maquraq, James headed straight for the old camp where he and his parents had taken their vacation. It was empty but trash still littered the place. He cleared everything, including the tents and equipment that had been left ready for the next round of tourists, took it to the edge of the harbour and set it all on fire, leaving a message nearby that he would be keeping the jungle tidy from now on and threatening any humans that would dare mess it up. He then disappeared into the jungle where he made himself a home.

James hates poachers, and will stop them, scupper their plans where he can, but he's not foolish either. He knows how dangerous they can be. He also keeps a close eye on the Outposts and their occupants.
Rumors & Gossip:
  • "Jungle Jim? No, he's just a legend. No such person exists."
  • "Don't leave your camp abandoned or Jungle Jim will destroy it"
Original NPC inspiration by Scribbles-ARPG