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Short Mane

Less Smooth

The Short is an uncommon mane type found in tokotas, and displays on all build types. The Short mane gets its name from the medium-length fur on the neck, which is shorter than the fur found on a Natural mane. The Short mane is characterized by medium-length fur on the tokota's cheeks, neck, haunches and tail, and short fur on the remainder of the body. As with all tokota fur, this mane is a double coat that repels water.

The Short mane evolved through selective breeding among Natural, Half, and Sphinx tokotas as a compromise between the bare neck of the Half mane and the fully covered neck of the Natural mane. Such a mane type could have plausibly occurred in the wild with another few hundred years of natural breeding between coastal Half and Natural manes. This mane type is considered by many to be purely cosmetic, as it adds very little benefit over Half or Natural manes.

While versatile they cannot remain in exposed frigid cold for long periods without some additional heat source, such as blankets.

Mane Variants:
  • None

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