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The White Forest

Rather warm compared to the rest of the territory.
Said to be the place that hides the Soul Pool, whether the soul Pool is inside the forest or simply guarded by it no one knows. The White Forest, as simple as the name is not many wishes to go inside this forest alone, let alone tempt fate by angering whatever guards it. During the cold seasons, the forest is true to its name, with snow covering most of it in a cape of white. During this time it is said that when the wind blows the snow that is caught on the branches of the tree spreads out and goes with the wind, looking more like white flower petals than snow. The days are relatively warmer when compared to the rest of the land, yet at night the cold is deadlier than even the most aggressive storm. Even with this kind of climate, many animals can be spotted during winter as if the cold or the snow does not harm them at all. During the warmer season, the white cape has mostly lifted from the forest and the plantlife grows back at an outstanding speed. Even then, a very light mist floats above the earth and around the trees and rocks, giving it a white-ish hue and a mystical appearance.
  • Certain ruins and statues here and there from an unknown civilization, almost completely covered by plantlife and not many animals go near them. A waterfall with a cave hidden behind it. An old stone bridge over a dried river. The statue of a huge Tokota looking over the forest on top of some rocks.
  • During the nighttime, when the cold is strong enough to harden blood, many have said to hear a feminine voice sing. They often describe it as a beautiful, warm lullaby that calmly lulls them to sleep though they cannot understand the language it is sung in. Those who have heard it have all been victims of the cold yet survived to tell the tale.
  • A mysterious Tokota is said to guide those who have gotten lost in the forest back to the exit. This Tokota is always described differently, some say it is as black as night, others that it is as white as the purest snow, others that its body is covered in scars, others that it is not a Tokota at all but a spirit. One thing is clear, only pups have seen the same form twice.
  • The forest is a sacred place and it is guarded by dangerous spirits. Any who kill or commit any kind of crime in the forest, whether it be towards its inhabitants or not, will disappear into the night, only a bloodcurdling scream being the sign that they have been punished...their bodies only found months later, stripped to the bone, if found at all. No hunters should go into the forest with the idea of killing for the sake of killing.

  • Original location inspiration by Okami02
    Location art by Foxjot