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Tier 2 Bonding Guide
Prerequisite Confirmation | Narrative Prompts | Themes | Examples | Judging | FAQ
As people have continued to develop their bonds with Tokotas, the TCA has announced another level of Bonding, available for those who’ve already achieved their first Bonding Certificate.
The higher tiers of Bonding are a unique opportunity to progress your Tokota’s story, and how it develops with their Handler or Packmate, in a flexible way.
Tier 2 Bonding has two components - prerequisites, and then narrative prompts.
Before doing the narrative prompts, you must get your prerequisites confirmed, just like for Dom and Alpha.
Your Tokota must complete three narrative prompts meeting the following specifications.
In order to complete Tier 2 Bonding, you must choose any three of the following themes to include in your drawing/literature. You may not use the same theme more than once per Tokota. These can, by all means, be AU (Alternate Universe) and not be canon in your personal story line.
These should feature both your Tokota and their Handler or Packmate prominently - neither one should be just tagging along but uninvolved in the story.
Each submission should include the following form:
Handler name:
Tokota Import: [LINK]
Themes featured and brief summary of how they are explored:
Examples will be added later.
Judging is mostly effort based, but with the option to include some bonuses to increase your score.
1-40 Overall Story Score - This is based on whether you’ve told an effective story overall, and incorporated the themes into this. As with all Effort Based scoring, this is judged based on your Gallery.
1-40 unbiased effort score; this will be compared to your own gallery. (Determined by admins.)
If you fail the T2 Bonding rites, you don’t have to redo all the prompts. Instead, you’ll be told what your score was, and just need to do enough pieces to get your Score over the Minimum Passing Score of 100.
These pieces should meet all previous minimum requirements.
You will score per prompt as before, with an additional Story Score proportional to the number of new prompts you did (max 14 per prompt if under 3), reflecting whether your additional prompts have a story.
At most 3 bonuses may be used per image, and the TCA Rank 5 bonus does not get counted again.
As people have continued to develop their bonds with Tokotas, the TCA has announced another level of Bonding, available for those who’ve already achieved their first Bonding Certificate.
The higher tiers of Bonding are a unique opportunity to progress your Tokota’s story, and how it develops with their Handler or Packmate, in a flexible way.
Tier 2 Bonding has two components - prerequisites, and then narrative prompts.
Prerequisite Confirmation
Before doing the narrative prompts, you must get your prerequisites confirmed, just like for Dom and Alpha.
- Your Tokota must be at Dominant Hierarchy to participate.
- Your Tokota must have at least one piece of tack for each of Fishing, Hunting, Exploring, Diving, and Caving Activities.
- Your Tokota must have 2 Companions (non-Slotless).
- Your Tokota must have 1 Slotless Companion.
- Your Tokota must have 4 Completed Adventures.
- Your Tokota must have 2 Non-HU/Bonding/AoA Awards on the Tokota’s Award Wall (e.g. CE trophies, PvP trophies, Quest trophies, WT participation awards).
Narrative Prompts
Your Tokota must complete three narrative prompts meeting the following specifications.
- Choose three of the available themes to feature in your submissions. Each image or piece of literature must state which themes are incorporated in it, and how.
- Each image/lit piece must feature at least one theme. (three images/lit pieces will still need to be completed, no matter how many themes you use in each submission)
- Submit the three pieces with the T2 Bonding form on the Bonding Journal.
- All work should be your own. It cannot be commissioned! Collaborations with one other person (2 collaborators max) is acceptable. Each person's parts must be clearly labeled.
- A bonding set may only include one Tokota being bonded at a time. If collaborated, two Tokotas may be bonded in a single set of rites.
- For bonding Tokotas require a handler. Starters may not substitute handlers. This certification is meant to encourage the development of a bond between your Tokotas and their handlers, so using Starters would not make sense!
- A Tokota with the Packmate Unique Trait may be used instead of a handler.
- There is no reduction in image requirements for those with TCA Rank 5.
Universal Art Requirements
- Image must be at minimum 300x300 pixels to be valid. Pixel art may be scaled up to meet these requirements.
- Images must be relatively clean and may not look sketchy and unfinished. All art will be judged against your own gallery standards.
- Tokota(s) must be depicted as full body (75% visible) in order for entry to be valid.
- Where required, Handlers, Starters, or Lore Figures must be depicted as half body (50% visible).
- When required, prey animals must have at least 25% visibility to be valid.
- A semi-complex background is required, following requirements in the Activities Visual Guide. Large open spaces should be colored, textured, shaded, or broken up by other shapes and elements. Generally you must have 3-4 unique elements for your background.
- At least 50% of depicted Tokotas, handlers, prey, etc. must be on the background, not in transparent or white space.
- Images must be colored and all depicted Tokotas must have identifiable markings.
- Greyscale, Monochromatic, and Color Palette themed images are permitted. They are held to the above rules where all Tokotas must be identifiable with easily discernible markings.
- Shading is optional and not required.
- All art must be your own original work, adhere to rules laid out in the Group Rulebook and may not be re-used in multiple parts of the Tokotas group.
- Tracing other artists' work, using bases, presets, premade 3D models, or AI (Artificial Intelligence) Generated Art is prohibited in all aspects of the Tokotas Group. You may not use it for any submission, as whole or part of an image.
- You may have your images take place off Tokotna, and in fantastic settings. Tokotas may have your own personal lore which does not match that of the group. They must always be depicted as Tokotas, however, not real or fictional creatures of any other kind.
- Tokotas with the Shapeshifter Unique Trait may use their Registered Shapeshifter Form. If you are using the alternate form, its official reference must be linked on the appropriate form.
Triptych Image Requirements
Triptych/Multi-Image submissions are acceptable provided they follow the below criteria:- Must be composed of distinct images with clear dividers between panels. A standard comic page would not qualify.
- Each of panel must individually meet the art requirements listed above, including background elements, Tokota visibility, etc.
- Prompts must be clearly labeled in submission description. (Ex. Left = Prompt #3, Center = Prompt #9, Right = Prompt #11)
- Rite bonuses must be drawn per panel to count more than once.
- HP bonuses must be drawn per panel to count more than once.
- If adding a short story for the bonus this must be split up between the images (500 words per panel)
Bonding Specific Requirements
- None
Universal Literature Requirements
- Literature entry must be at least 1200 words.
- Entry should be focused on and relevant to the activity or prompt, with a clear beginning and end.
- Tokota(s) must be present consistently through the entry. Generally a Tokota must be mentioned at least 6-7 times.
- Where required, Handlers, Starters, or Lore Figures must also be present throughout entry with similar requirements to the above.
- Entry should not be padded with overly excessive repetition of names, descriptions, etc.
- All literature must be your own original work, adhere to rules laid out in the Group Rulebook and may not be re-used in multiple parts of the Tokotas group.
- Plagiarizing other writers’ work or AI (Artificial Intelligence) Generated Literature is prohibited in all aspects of the Tokotas Group. You may not use it for any submission, as whole or part of an image.
- You may have your stories take place off Tokotna, and in fantastic settings. Tokotas may have your own personal lore which does not match that of the group. They must always be depicted as Tokotas, however, not real or fictional creatures of any other kind.
- Tokotas with the Shapeshifter Unique Trait may use their Registered Shapeshifter Form. If you are using the alternate form, its official reference must be linked on the appropriate form.
Bonding Specific Requirements
- None
In order to complete Tier 2 Bonding, you must choose any three of the following themes to include in your drawing/literature. You may not use the same theme more than once per Tokota. These can, by all means, be AU (Alternate Universe) and not be canon in your personal story line.
These should feature both your Tokota and their Handler or Packmate prominently - neither one should be just tagging along but uninvolved in the story.
Each submission should include the following form:
Handler name:
Tokota Import: [LINK]
Themes featured and brief summary of how they are explored:
- Abandonment
- Acceptance
- Achievement
- Adaptability
- Balance
- Becoming
- Betrayal
- Change
- Charisma
- Choice
- Cleverness
- Collaboration
- Coming of Age
- Community
- Compassion
- Competition
- Conflict
- Courage
- Creativity
- Cunning
- Curiosity
- Danger
- Deception
- Desperation
- Destiny
- Discipline
- Displacement
- Family
- Fear
- Ferocity
- Focus
- Forgiveness
- Freedom
- Friendship
- Gentleness
- Grief
- Guardian
- Guidance
- Hope
- Identity
- Ignorance
- Independence
- Industry
- Intellect
- Isolation
- Jealousy
- Joyfulness
- Leadership
- Learning
- Love
- Loyalty
- Luck
- Manipulation
- Overcoming
- Patience
- Perseverance
- Power
- Progress
- Redemption
- Responsibility
- Sacrifice
- Separation
- Serenity
- Strength
- Temptation
- Tradition
- Trust
- Wanderlust
- Wisdom
Examples will be added later.
Judging is mostly effort based, but with the option to include some bonuses to increase your score.
Judged overall (the completed set of all 3 prompts):
1-40 Overall Story Score - This is based on whether you’ve told an effective story overall, and incorporated the themes into this. As with all Effort Based scoring, this is judged based on your Gallery.
Judged per prompt:
1-40 unbiased effort score; this will be compared to your own gallery. (Determined by admins.)
- We compare your submissions to your other unhurried artwork (not quick activity rolls). A score of 20 is given for pieces of comparable or slightly lower effort than your gallery standard.
- Optional: +5 for somehow including a depiction of your Tokota's soul animal, full body (50%) or worked into the scenery. For lit they should be mentioned at least 5 times (they do not need to be physically present, but can include the Tokota contemplating Wolf as an abstract spirit)
- Optional: +5 for correct setting. You can read more about the various areas of Tokotna here or here arranged by Region. In literature the setting should be mentioned by name at least once, and the location description should match the setting. Using multiple canon settings is permitted for literature (for example, if the tokotas are traveling a long way).
- Optional: +5 for including a starter or lore figure. Tribe Mascot Tokotas from your tribe also work for this bonus provided they are not also being used as the required Packmate.
- Optional: +5 for a short story of at least 500 words. For literature entries, this bonus will be awarded for at least 500 extra words. Alternatively, you may include a link to a full body illustration (75%) of the Tokota taking part in the Rites. This illustration can be used for HP, but not anything else within the group.
- TCA Rank 5 gives a flat +5 bonus. This applies once, and counts toward your +45 max bonus.
If you fail the T2 Bonding rites, you don’t have to redo all the prompts. Instead, you’ll be told what your score was, and just need to do enough pieces to get your Score over the Minimum Passing Score of 100.
These pieces should meet all previous minimum requirements.
You will score per prompt as before, with an additional Story Score proportional to the number of new prompts you did (max 14 per prompt if under 3), reflecting whether your additional prompts have a story.
At most 3 bonuses may be used per image, and the TCA Rank 5 bonus does not get counted again.