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Waterfalls of Life

Wet and windy, this area does not reach the same heat as others due to the constant rainfall.
The Waterfalls of Life are a large series of waterfalls that snake through the southern portion of Maquraq and over a cliff face into the nearby region.
The Yrvaq Falls at the top is a large, gentle waterfall which flows from the mountains and pools into a crystal lake frequented by humans and animals alike. The waters here are so clear that the lake appears shallow, but is in fact nearly one hundred feet deep. The lake is surrounded by trees which make a lively home for various species of birds and monkeys.
However, the lower falls are drastically different. Known as the Neverfalls, the water of this section never touches the bottom of the canyon below. The winds are so strong that they literally lift the droplets back up to create perpetual rainfall above.
  • The Origin - This spring is the place where the Mountain opens up in a small hole where fresh, life-bringing water bubbles forth. Many feel this place is very holy.
  • Third Outpost - This cropping of buildings sits just north of the area and is usually where people stop before heading out to the falls. This is just as bustling as the First Outpost but no one seems to know where Second Outpost is that is supposedly between them. Due to the moist ground, the structures here are built of stone and wood rather than the tents you find at the other outposts.
  • Crashpoint - Many people think it would be good fun to try leaping off the Neverfalls and letting the wind catch them or a parachute. No matter how many times the people of Maquraq warn not to do it, a few still try. Most don't survive the attempt and find themselves hurtling down to Crashpoint below...where the remains of an unknown number of adventurous souls wait for someone to claim them.
  • The Yrvaq Falls are said to help anyone reach deep states of meditation and peace. It is a place that is strictly forbidden to be hunted, as it is seen as a holy place of peace and healing, not of death. Many legends tell the tales of horrid curses that befall anyone who disturbes that holy law of peace.
  • The location of the Origin Springs is only known by a handful of people due to the belief that it is a holy place.
  • ‌The people of Maquraq make wax paper lanterns once or twice a year at holidays and place them in the river that leads to Neverfalls. When they go over the edge the wind picks them up, sending a scattering of colorful lanterns into the air.

Original location inspiration by demonicrose & ArtemistheArtist22
Location art by --