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A true daughter of the winter, Frost does not feel passions strongly; those passions she does feel are kept silent beneath a cool and calculating veneer. When she loves, she loves with a depth that is devastating in its strength; when she rages, she rages with a fury that would bring down mountains if she had the power to do so. She relishes the cold and the biting teeth of winter winds, thriving in this cold climate without a care for the state of her skin; she is a wild spirit who drifts with the wind.


Being half ice elf and half sylphe, Frost enjoys powers of both her hereditary species; she can transform into a spirit of the air at will, becoming incorporeal but with a conscious mind, and the air speaks to her the way it would speak to a full-blooded sylphe, like her half-sisters. Unlike her, they are pure beings of the air, rarely tying themselves to the earth in the human forms that they possess; they are even more detached from the complexities of the human psyche than Frost, unable to understand earthly matters in a way that is meaningful to them. At the same time, Frost's powers are stronger than theirs. She can call down storms and snow, and command the winds. Cold and frostbite cannot touch her, and although heat will not kill her, prolonged exposure to warmth can make her ill; fire is one of her greatest weaknesses. This does not extend to her friends or other animals in general. Once, when the world was younger and humanity less widespread, Frost fell in love with a mortal man. He was a hunter, a warrior, and he took her for his bride, not knowing the truth of her being. However, as she helped him to grow stronger and more influential, his greed won out over his love for her, and eventually, he stole the one thing she had always refused him; the talisman around her neck. It was a powerful, powerful thing, and she had refused to give it to him, or even tell him what it did. He discovered, through other means, that it would give him the power to slay an immortal, and so one night, he took it from her while she slept, and went out to make himself the greatest man the tribe had ever known. When she woke in the morning, she felt the absence of her sisters, the sylphes, and the unbalanced power in the village, centered around her husband. In her rage, she destroyed him, and the village that had lauded him as their savior (for this was a time when spirits and other immortals were viewed in a terrible light, blamed for the troubles of the humans), leaving only a handful of survivors to spread the word of her vengeance. Still, the experience left her somewhat more mortal than other spirits; she has a streak of humanity in her that is fanned now by Miri's friendship, and this actually makes her stronger than ever.


For more information, visit: https://toyhou.se/943373.-morning-frost

Frost's Tokotas
Nivalia 12958 - Extremely loyal and well attuned to Frost's mood. Frost's main tokota.
Talik 38212 - Fiercely protective and loyal to Frost.
Naujalluk 36367 -
Button 39659 -
Zephyros 4707 - Getting on in age, he once looked to Frost as his handler but now tends to stay at Miri's ranch. Idolizes Frost.
Cedar Smoke on the Wind 7549 - Looks to Frost occasionally but is mostly wild.
Winter's Kiss at Dusk 7668 - Looks to Frost occasionally but is mostly wild.
Ataciara 8175 - Looks to Frost occasionally but is mostly wild.
Vere 38213 - Idolizes Frost, and is somewhat intimidated by her.
Lessa 39281 -
Rhys 13604 -
Miri - Frost has appointed herself as Miri's guardian and protector. Miri is also Frost's first human friend in centuries.
Katsa - A very fraught relationship; Piktaungitok was stronger, but Frost defeated her and stripped her of her spirit self, turning her into Katsa, as punishment. Katsa grudgingly respects her for her strength, although she still chafes at the punishment.
Tonrar - Tonrar seems to be beholden to or otherwise obedient to Frost. Their relationship is mostly unknown.
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