Tokotna Register
News Journal

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4 Days Left Until Close!

Current Season - Summer

June, July, August

Colors of Tokotna

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Current Events
August 31, 2024

Tokota of the Month

July 2024
Awu 53073

Vote For TotM

Dominant Faction

Token Broker

Quarter Ends on 08/31/2024

Faction Membership

PL: 72
PB: 84
LK: 31
KS: 116
WT: 62
TB: 41

Faction Information

Featured Art

Group Goal


A guiding light appears on the cliffs above!

Eoghan Plushie
Did you grab one?

Monthly Quest

You vs. Dropki

Your tokota has heard that cheetahs have been spotted in Fosbir for the first time in a very long time. However, it seems they are being held captive by the mischievous Myrteole. Upon arriving in Fosbir, the locals ask your toko to help free them. They are given a small jar with glowing bugs in it. Apparently, this is supposed to help repel the spirit, who dwells in darkness.
Depict your toko in a Fosbir location with Myrteole OR a cheetah (You can do both, but one is required) and a Firefly Jar. You can make the jar look however you want.

Cheetah x 1, Firefly Jar x 1, Ebony Pigment x 2, Tree Produce Box x 1
July 7th- 31st 2024

Quest Guide