Every Time is Toko Time!

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Miri is a typically serene girl with a wild streak and a big heart, always willing to help where she can. When it comes to the welfare of others, particularly those she cares about, she will always put them first, sometimes to her own detriment. Having led a somewhat sheltered life until she moved north, despite being the third oldest child in a family with seven children, she can be somewhat naive, lacking practical skills and common sense when it comes to actually living in the northern tundra. Well-read and educated, she considers learning skills applicable to her everyday life a challenge that she will meet with vigor, even if she fails along the way; her cheerful optimism is often what draws people to her. She may not be the most charismatic or outspoken person, but she is steady, reliable, and friendly. Functioning decently well in a crisis, with a cool head, people in such situations often look to her for guidance, even if she is just as bewildered as they are.


For mor information, visit: https://toyhou.se/943390.-mirielle-farrowstead

Miri's Tokotas
Sephyra 9700 - A somewhat uneven partnership, Sephyra considers herself more experienced than Miri, and she agrees.
Talis 28563 - Talis respects Miri and considers her a good handler, if somewhat young.
Pekartoq 6572 - Pekartoq is perfectly happy to listen to Miri and never challenges her - he thinks she's more smart and capable than him.
The Secret Rose 9502 -
Rikash 10872 - Hard-won respect characterizes their relationship. He always challenges her, usually for the better (she says she learns new things, even if they turn out to be things not to do), but would kill for her.
Awiri 10876 - Miri has basically given up on sweetening his personality and has settled for having him not attack everyone on sight. Some days are better than others.
Aleto 38211 - Aleto came to Miri as a reclaimed feral who had been abused in the past. Distrustful of everyone, including Miri, although she is making tiny steps towards settling in at Farrowstead Ranch.
Tanoka 38305 - Will do anything Miri asks of him, happily. Except anything involving small children. He's afraid he'll squish them.
Hex 14982 - Nominally, Hex belongs to Miri, but her independence means that she rarely accompanies Miri on excursions.
Alaktiq 38500 - Loves Miri more than anything. Sometimes is overzealous in protecting or defending her.
Lessa 39281 -
Pahoehoe 39423 -
Rhys 13604 -
Vere 38213 - Vere adores Miri, considering her a wise and just human pack leader. She worries about her place in the pack.
Frost - Frost has appointed herself as Miri's guardian and protector. Miri is also Frost's first human friend in centuries.
Katsa - Katsa blames Miri for Frost's increase in power to the extend that she could defeat Piktaungitok, but the human girl is too friendly and warm-hearted for her to truly hate. Considers Miri something like an annoying little sister.
Tonrar - Tonrar once sheltered Miri at the behest of Frost. She keeps herself distant, although she keeps an eye on Miri when she remembers.
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