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Piktaungitok was once one of the most powerful spirits who occupied the icy mountains she, and many other spirits, called home. While she was not actively Morning Frost's rival, they were not on good terms, and Frost avoided venturing into Piktaungitok's domain whenever possible. However, Piktaungitok overreached herself, seeking to lay claim to all the lands, thereby threatening the homes of many other spirits and creatures. As the current second strongest spirit, Frost took it upon herself to exact a punishment agreed upon by the other spirits. This was something nearly unheard of, as spirits hardly ever come to a unanimous agreement on anything. Granted, there were other spirits who were more powerful than both Frost and Piktaungitok, but none of them were "active," so to speak, and so the role fell to Frost. Piktaungitok was bound to a mortal body, stripped of her powers, and given a new name; Kataktuaq. She was to live out one mortal lifetime, in the hopes that it would teach her humility, and if at the end of her mortal life the other spirits agreed that she had learned her lesson, they would restore her immortality and powers.


For more information, visit: https://toyhou.se/943381.-kataktuaq

Katsa's Tokotas
Kavain 13309 - Those who know of Katsa's sordid past say that Kavain has saved her. She loves and protects him fiercely, and he only wants what's best for her.
Rhys 13604 -
Miri - Katsa blames Miri for Frost's increase in power to the extend that she could defeat Piktaungitok, but the human girl is too friendly and warm-hearted for her to truly hate. Considers Miri something like an annoying little sister.
Frost - A very fraught relationship; Piktaungitok was stronger, but Frost defeated her and stripped her of her spirit self, turning her into Katsa, as punishment. Katsa grudgingly respects her for her strength, although she still chafes at the punishment.
Tonrar - They are not fond of each other, but have less explicit animosity than Frost and Katsa. Tonrar thinks she got what she deserved.
Uka - Katsa has very little patience for the chicken. If it weren't for Kavain, she would have been plucked and roasted long ago...not that Uka is aware of this.
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