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Femme Fatale



This Pack is Lead by Sakura, who hates other females who do not follow her command. She cannot stand any female that is more liked or more succesful than her, and goes to brutal lengths to hurt or even cripple these other females. She has found a faithful beta in Davina, a rude, mostly aggressive curly maned female. Sakura considers Davina ugly, based on her severe scarring and her attitude towards males and thus sees her as no threat. The last member of this pack is Raven, who was manipulated by Sakura since she was a small pup. She is obedient towards Sakura, but often is subject to Sakuras outbursts, and unlike Sakura and Davina, Raven has a concience, but never acts on it, as she is terrified of Sakura (rightfully so).



she was born 'perfect' raised by an adoptive mother that showered her with love, but also psycopathic lessons. When she was a juvenile, she developed a crush on a male, but he already had set his sights on another female. Sakura snapped, and orchestrated an accident that would end in the other females death. Her adoptive mother was very proud of her for it. Sakura helped the male through his grief, and once he fell for her, she found she no longer wanted him. She left her home to go and find the perfect male to make him fall for her and live happily ever after, but encounters the same problem all the time: Once she has them, she no longer wants them. She hates females that she or others consider pretty, that are succesful, or in any way rub her the wrong way. She never dirties her paws, and is known to be familiar with all the evil spirits in Toktna, making deals frequently with them.



Davina was born prematurely and given up for adoption, being unwanted as the runt of the litter. She was adopted by an abusive Handler, who scarred her for life teaching her how to fight against bears in illegal fights. She made a deal with Melaanik one night, promising him the soul of her captor. She killed him, and everyone in her way, and met Sakura, who nursed her back to health and groomed her to be her second in comand. Davina adores Sakura and hates the world for what it did to her, so she shows no remorse getting her paws and fangs dirty with blood for Sakuras Goals.



Sakura found Raven as a younger Juvenile, who had gotten lost in the woods after her mother had passed away due to poison a farmer had put out for her Mother killing one of his sheep. Sakura quickly took to the young female, feeling a motherly urge to groom and teach her, but quickly grew bored of the female, and very angry as she was not what Sakura had wanted to mold her into. She was not as ruthless, was shy, and did not agree with many methods Sakura and Davina used to get their way. But she owed Sakura, which she was reminded of every day. Raven is terrified of Davina, as she has stated multiple times she would tear her apart if she ever tried to leave, or betray them. She loved Sakura and Davina, as the three have amazing and loving moments, but she knows their true nature, and is terrified of males, scared that Sakura might snap and kill her as well. She is frequently told she is nothing without them, and manipulated in any way Sakura feels is needed to make her comply.



While Morgana is not in their Pack, she still is an associate and occasionally helps Sakura if she feels like it, due to her Father, Meelanik, teling her to, as he thouroughly enjoys seeing the despair Sakura leaves in her wake. The two females met when Morgana was visiting her father and Sakura was chatting with him as if he was a normal tokota, not an evil deity, flirting and being all familiar. Sakura sees her as an abomination, but also a means to an end at times, the female being incredibly strong. She sometimes visits her secretly to ask where her father is, or to pry other information from her, sometimes even recruit her to help in some schemes.

Femme Fatale's Tokotas
soothsayer 38148 - Associate/Informant
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