Every Time is Toko Time!

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Siro (Handler)



Siro had been acting strange for a while. Virika, the man's closest friend, had taken note of this and decided that something had to be done. Not only was he not interacting with others much, but it was almost as if he were becoming obsolete.


So, when the woman heard of another species, one like her own Kukuri, she leapt at the chance, dragging the Hosekiko to a strange place. Then she dumped him in the doorway, stated a quick "you're welcome!", and left.


Siro found himself in a stable-like area. Everywhere he looked were strange, bear-dog-like creatures. A woman came up to him, stating that she had been preparing for his arrival (he later learned that Virika had set everything up), and eagerly brought him to a set of large stalls. Left and right were large and small wolves (he'd decided to call them that), each one looking at him with human-like intelligence. Idly, he slipped on the strange bracelet Vi had given him.


And was immedietly hit with an onslaught of chatter.


"Who is this guy?" "Does he think he can take one of us home?" "I hope he picks me!" "I'll rip his arm off if he even tries."


Okay, okay, entirely too much information-


The dark-toned man put his fingers to his temples to try and alleviate some of the pain. He was too focused on trying to drown out the noise that he didn't notice one of the wolves going silent. He also didn't notice a quiet exchange between it and the woman, or her letting the creature out.


The next thing he did know, was a warm body pressing to his side. With her close proximity, the other voices were background to hers.


"Are you all right?"




And that's how Siro was introduced into this lovely world! Suravinda, or "Sura" was the one whom he chose (or, really, she chose him) as a companion, and the two have started their lives together. She's the alpha of the pack they're slowly forming.


The bracelet he'd received from Virika helped him hear animals thoughts, and after a yelling at the woman (who simply laughed), she helped him refine it. Now each of his Tokotas receive a small, unnoticable earring made of the same stones on his bracelet. This allows him to only understand his pack, and not every passing fly.



Hosekikos are a Closed Species

Siro's official sheet:  https://www.deviantart.com/englivesandzero/art/Siro-772436792

Siro (Handler)'s Tokotas
Suravinda 36465 -
Vasant 40308 -
Ananta ("Infinite; Without end") 41229 -
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