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The White Death



Most tokota packs are feral. But 'feral' implies that they were once domesticated: Escaped pets, former slaves. Geralt and his tokotas take pride in being truly wild: Never subjected to the humiliation of human ownership.

The White Death are an entire pack of these truly-wild tokotas, led by a soot-faced male known to the locals in Raudrev as Geralt. They hold a territory in the bountiful northern reaches of the world, and are rarely seen, let alone encountered, by human eyes. The pack follow their leader not out of fear, but respect for Geralt's wisdom and excellent judgement. They value cunning and adaptability over raw strength and power, and actively avoid non-tokota interactions.

Geralt wants Blue Christmas to succeed him as pack leader, but before that can happen, he has to convince her to let go of her inexplicable soft spot for the two-leggeds.

By virtue of their territory, the pack have frequent run-ins with the Khitrit tribe of elves who live in the nearby village of Raudrev. Unlike humans, Geralt considers the elves to be four-leggeds, and therefore tiptoeing the line between dominators and potential allies. For his part, Geralt does provide favours and assistance to a select few elves from the village, but demands suitable compensation (typically in the form of a cut of the kills) in return. Think the relationship between wolves and ravens.

The White Death's Tokotas
Geralt 5957 - The stern alpha who rules not by strength, but by earning the respect and loyalty of his packmates
Sashenka 42634 - Geralt's second-in-command and the main muscle of the pack
Ksenia 42940 - Third-in-command, a hard worker and go-getter
Raudrev -
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