Every Time is Toko Time!

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Wulf's Escape

February 22, 2019
(Timeline Event)


Wulf was once apart of the Three Points Research Facility, where he was used as one of the "Expiriments" as they liked to call them. He was not a willing participent in their experiments, and would fight them at every turn. In the end, they where able to sucessfuly transform him into a human. He was still a Tokota, but now he was able to shift into a human at will. They kept him caged, and tried to teach him the way of the humans. He grasped a good bit of human mannerisim, including speach, and it took a while to get him to wear clothes when in his human form -just wears a pair of pants, refuses to wear anything else- and now carries a set within his pack in his original Tokota form. It was not long after, that he was getting more agressive, and had taken more then a few chunks out of the so called "Docters" that he overheard them talking about 'getting rid of him.' He may not have known what they meant by that, but he was not going to be taking any chances. Once the lab was quite and everyone had left for the night, he broke out of his cell, released all the other experiments, and reaked havoc upon the lab before making his escape and fleeing into night.

Wulf 41412 -
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