Every Time is Toko Time!

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Luke (Nunivak)



1. His humanform changes haircolor as well as the foxform in summer/ winter.

2. He loves his grey winter fur as a fox but doesn't really like having his grey hair as a human. So in winter you often see a white fox running around the house.

3. Luke always carries his camera. I mean ALWAYS! Even when he is on the toilet - he could see something interesting and might need to take a photo. Luke, please don't.


- A true happy-go-lucky fellow, easy to enthuse, warm-hearted and gentle

- extreme ability for logical thinking, is able to draw links, get coherences and understand structures very quickly (is smart/quick like a fox)

- very green-minded. Supports Greenpeace and WWF, especially cares for animals that are almost extinct.

- loves to travel, photograph, write, collect memories in general.

- publishes photos of endangered animals and articles about them in magazines once in a while

- has a thing for Antarctica, Scandinavia, Canada.. literally any country that's cold and arctic.

- and yes, he collects those buttons for his satchel xD

Luke (Nunivak)'s Tokotas
Aleatus 42848 - Going on World Tour together
Ice Pack - Handler
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