Every Time is Toko Time!

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First Meeting Planner

April 6, 2022
(Timeline Event)


Jokull (1st)

Given as a gift by father for 18th birthday, she goes travelling the countryside with him at her side, picking up friends and tokotas along the way.

Bonding Prompts:

- The first meeting between you and your Tokota is an important event. What happened during that event? did it go smoothly or did it end in total disaster?

- Dires are not used to urban settings and narrower areas. Depict your handler taking your Dire into town.

- Bonding and training a Tokota is indeed a tiring and time-consuming process. Depict your handler resting with the Tokota after a hard day of work. Will they keep each other company or keep their distances?


Daeva (2nd)

Bought from traveler while passing through a village.

Bonding Prompts:

- The first meeting between you and your Tokota is an important event. What happened during that event? did it go smoothly or did it end in total disaster?

- In order to be a fully bonded pair and work together, your handler and their Dire must know one another well. Depict your handler and their Dire spending quality time learning about and from each other.

- Dires are one of the largest breeds in Tokotna which causes them endless problems with smaller creatures. Depict your handler helping their Dire treat a creature much smaller than them with gentleness.


Procyon (3rd)

"Domesticated" while exploring Tartok area.

Bonding Prompts:

- The first meeting between you and your Tokota is an important event. What happened during that event? did it go smoothly or did it end in total disaster?

- In order to be a fully bonded pair and work together, your handler and their Dire must know one another well. Depict your handler and their Dire spending quality time learning about and from each other.

- Known to be powerful, Dires are capable of utilizing their strength well, when properly tamed. Depict your handler training their Dire to wear a harness and pull heavy loads.


Nokomis (4th)

Bought as a pup, raised to be service toko.

Bonding Prompts:

- The first meeting between you and your Tokota is an important event. What happened during that event? did it go smoothly or did it end in total disaster?

- New environments are scary for wild animals. Depict your handler taking their Tokota to a new environment, whether it's a farm, city, beach, etc. and how they comfort and reassure their Tokota.

- Dires are not used to urban settings and narrower areas. Depict your handler taking your Dire into town.


Kotori (5th)

Purchased as a pup.

Bonding Prompts:

- The first meeting between you and your Tokota is an important event. What happened during that event? did it go smoothly or did it end in total disaster?

- New environments are scary for wild animals. Depict your handler taking their Tokota to a new environment, whether it's a farm, city, beach, etc. and how they comfort and reassure their Tokota.

- Part of living with a breeder means living in harmony with many other Tokotas, and particularly, young puppies. Depict your handler socializing their young Tokotas with other Tokota puppies.


Abyss (6th)

Purchased as a pup.

Bonding Prompts:

- The first meeting between you and your Tokota is an important event. What happened during that event? did it go smoothly or did it end in total disaster?

- Tokotas can be a handful when it comes to maintenance especially when they are not used to any sort of tool or item used by humans. Depict your handler attempting to groom their Tokota.

- Bonding and training a Tokota is indeed a tiring and time-consuming process. Depict your handler resting with the Tokota after a hard day of work. Will they keep each other company or keep their distances?


Wylder (7th)

"Domesticated" while exploring Taniya area.

Bonding Prompts:

- The first meeting between you and your Tokota is an important event. What happened during that event? did it go smoothly or did it end in total disaster?

- Tokotas have a strong prey drive, which even with diligent training is hard for them to overcome. Depict your handler working with their Tokota to avoid fights with pets, live stock, or other Tokotas.

- Despite their size Dires can be trained into being stealthy predators if they have the right handler. Depict your handler showing their Dire how to remain hidden while they track prey.

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