Every Time is Toko Time!

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Kyreen Dragnovic



Appearance: He has medium length red hair which he usually leaves in a bun with an undercut, soft and merry golden eyes, relatively well built and fair skin. He predminantely wears his hunting gear which consists of a dull orange leather shirt, dark leather trousers, light leather boots with white fluff on the cuffs, a brown leather belt, white fluffy cloak and a leather knifeholder strapped to his thigh.

Personality: Quite boisterious, happy-go-luck, jovial and somewhat mischievous, he likes being around people and can easily draw people to himself. He can be quite charming and charismatic, able to talk himself out of all kinds of trouble when the need arises.

Background: Born in a foreign kingdom and to the ruling king and queen, he is the eldest of the pair of twins and was raised in Tokotna, having been taken from his lands at a young age alongside his twin sister Kyrie. He has quite the gift for shownmanship and enjoys being the center of attention.

Kyreen Dragnovic's Tokotas
Baskerville 38025 -
Sigrid Asagiri - In-Law
Sigurd Asagiri - Best Friend
Kyrie Dragnovic - Twin
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