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Locus 22607 POV 2



Locus isn't very fond of his primary handler. They get along well enough, and at times, can work together like a well oiled machine, but Locus isn't particularly attached to David.

Felix's primary handler. Like with David, Locus isn't too fond of Tucker either. He's a tolerable presence, since his appearance means that Felix isn't too far off, but Locus doesn't really like the man himself.



Other Packmates:
Siris 21999:
Quiet and intelligent, Siris ranks high on Locus' short list of favorite people. Despite only seeing Felix as an equal, Siris is smart enough that Locus is willing to accept and sometimes even seek out his opinion on situations. It helps immensely that the two of them usually see eye-to-eye, and both have to put up with Felix and Shark Face's "disagreements;" they're apparently great bonding exercises.

Shark Face 20732:
Shark is kinda weird, but Locus finds he doesn't mind the smaller tokota too much. For some odd reason, Locus has noticed a bit of tension between Shark Face and Felix. He'll always side with his fellow dire, but since neither has brought the topic up with him, Locus is content to sit back and observe for now.

Doyle 19949:
Locus doesn't really care one way or the other about Doyle. The quiet, almost timid, tokota generally stays out of his way, and should he prove to be an annoyance, a snarl is usually enough to convince him to leave Locus alone.

Kimball 19476:
Bossy and assertive, Locus really doesn't like this member of their little troupe. Though he is glad she's smart enough to know when she doesn't stand a chance.

Grey 19806:
........Locus doesn't really know what to make of this one. She's definitely one strange cookie. As long as she doesn't make a nuisance of herself, Locus is fine with her.

Locus 22607 POV 2's Tokotas
Locus 22607 - Relationships 2
Locus 22607 POV 1 -
Chorus Pack [RvB] -
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