Every Time is Toko Time!

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Shira Tairkur



Shira is a 28 year old female, who lives at the edge of a forest in a small hut. She is a vet and helps injured Tokotas and the local wildlife.

She bought Baldur as a pup, as his behaviour made him unfit to be adopted into families and while his family wanted his best, they didn't know what to do. Baldur was extremely wary around strangers and had a hard time to adjust to changes. Even tough he was a pup, he rarely played with his litter mates and showed no interest in new things. Baldur would tend to snap when stressed too much, in an attempt to break free of the situation. Shiria managed to help him and while he still has problems adapting, he rarely reacts agressive now. He will now retreat when possible and has learned to trust Shira and rely on her to solve the situations he feels overstrained with.

When Baldur was around one year old, she was asked by another vet to bring medications to another village. During the jouney she fell sick and lost her conciousness. She was found by Sam and her Tokota Jingles. Baldur refused to let anyone close to his handler, but had to realise, that he couldn't help her. Baldur followed Sam on every step and she cared for him, while Shira was treated. He was nervous, but he coudl feel, that Sam only wanted to help Shira. Luckily recovered fast. After reuntinign with a very happy Baldur she stayed in touch with Sam and both ened up being close friends.


Half a year later, Shira found a young dire female roaming around her hut. Baldur tried to chase her away, but she always came back. She was thin and malnourished and Shira nursed her back to health. Shira couldn't find an owner and ended up keeping her. She named her Luna and the dires very caring nature towards everyone, helped her to get along with Baldur, too. She respected his need for space and let him warm up on his terms.


When Baldur was two, he and Shira, went to participate in the great Tartok Expedition. The experience brought them together even closer. Luna stayed behind and was cared for by Shiras friend Sam. Later Shira took Luna and Baldur together on a smaller expedition. During this she found an injured Akota. It had a deep wounds on its flank that were heavily infected, making it unable to hunt. It took her a while, but with Lunas help she was able to win the Akotas trust. She named him Eros and brought him back home. She was able to heal the woudns, altough they left deep scars.


At the beginning Eros and Baldur didn't get along at all. Baldur deemed Eros too dangerous to be around Shira and was heavily stressed with the recent changes. Eros habit of sticking his nose into anything didn't make it any easier for Baldur. Eros started to pick on Baldur, as he found that he was weak. Luna eased the tension between all of them and in the end Baldur and Eros could focus on the one point they had in common. Their affection for Shira and the fact that both would protect their handler. They still don't like each other, but for Shiras sake they get along.


One year later Luna started to have strange dreams of a large half maned dire. She didn't knew who he was, but the dreams returned, showing the dire and part of his pack. After the a while the dreams stopped and when they returned, they showed the dire heavily injured.She vaguely remembered thew are in her dreams from their expedition. Luna got her handler to follow her and together they found an injured, unconsious Raimo.

Shira was able to save him and brought him back to her home. Raimo hated humans and only with the help of her other Tokotas she was able to trat him. When he was stable enough she released Raimo, as he was a wild Tokota. Raimo was able to return to his pack, but ended up visiting Shira every now and then. He still disliked humans, but had learned that there are some that ca be trusted.


Shira Tairkur's Tokotas
Luna 32966 - Shira found her as a young adult
Baldur 8936 - very close to each other, she got him as a pup
Eros 38726 - She found him injured in Tartok Mountains
Raimo 38156 - found him injured and nursed him back to health. Released him after he was stable enough.
Sam(antha) Meyerhof - best friend
Raimo's Pack - helped on of the packmembers after Raimo led her there
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