Every Time is Toko Time!

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Laughing Owl Ranch - The Barn



The barn is where all of the tokotas on Laughing Owl Ranch shelter for the night or during storms, as long as they are not caught out in them. Tokotas and farm animals alike stay in the barn until they are let loose. Each night, "inventory" is taken of all the animals to make sure that no one has gone missing. With 20 to 30 chickens to keep watch of and feed, it's important to make sure not a single one has gone missing due to predators. A small herd of 10 goats gets penned up each night and let out each morning after milking. The goat's milk is used to make soaps, cheeses and other products that would be nearly inaccessible or hard to get without taking a long drive or ride to town. 

Istaqa's very old Chevrolet truck rests beside the barn near the driveway, the leather interior crackling from age. No one is sure if it's even worth trying to turn it over at this point, but at least it's been paid off since Ista was born.

Aeronwy 16056 - Queen of the Barn
Apal 28872 - Princess of the Barn
Deku 26403 - Joker of the Barn
Wattsin 26044 - Many Mess Maker
Starfall 12055 - Ultimate Shedder
El Hijo de Sol 19493 - Mirror and Brush Hoarder
Zephyrus 19741 - Bedding Hoarder
Akane 19344 - Chicken Thief
Moori 18398 - Fun Sized
Panzer 18146 - Stall Tourist
Blue 27098 - Tack Hoarder
La Nina de Invierno 28406 - Animal Snugglebug
Alpha 28495 - Stall Destroyer
Axula 28870 - Hallway Sleeper
Istaqa Aringlad - Owner of, Cleaner of Many Messes
Maximillion Williams II - Creator of Many Messes
The Chevrolet Truck - Final resting place
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