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Azazael Bellandus



General Info

Name: Azazael Bellandus
Meaning: Azazel is a name derived from Ancient Hebrew that literally translates to "scapegoat." It has also been used in the Book of Enoch as a name connected with the fall of angels, gathering of demons, and as the name of a Rebellious warrior. Bellandus is a Latin name, literally translating to "which is to be fought." The name Azazel Bellandus can be thought to mean "scapegoat which is to be fought".
Nicknames: Zae
Origin: Ancient Hebrew, Latin
Title: Son of the Marshall of the Court
Meaning: Zae is the Marshall of the Court's firstborn son. He is next in line to become Marshall of the Court.
Race: Caucasian (Illorian)
Sexual Orientation: He doesn't fucking know, last week he got so turned on by a nice looking sword he had to go have some "personal time". Who knows what he likes- probably anyone who gives him attention and doesn't let him get himself killed when he gets into a fight he really should have tried to avoid.
Previous Social Class: Upper Class
Previous Occupation: Replacement Marshall of the Court, Assistant to the King
Rank: Serf (warrior)
Vandreren Born/Newcomer: Newcomer 

Physical Appearance:

Description: Zae is on the shorter side. He does not live up to the standard of a towering Aristocrat. In fact, he doesn't come off as someone of noble birth at all. He is short, relatively unnoticable, and awkward. If he were a color he'd be beige. (see image)
Age (appearance): 19-22
Age (physical): 16
Weight: 147
Height: 5'6
Build: mesomorph (athletic, muscled)
Psychological Health (1 to 10): 8
Physical Health (1 to 10): 9.5
Skin Tone: Medium White / Light Olive
Shape of Face: Diamond
Hair: Light Brown / Messy and slightly longer
Eye Color: Blue (#2E86C1)
Eye Shape: Hooded, Round Eyes with Flat Eyebrows
Vision: Very Minor Nearsightedness (objects in the distance are blurry)
Most Remarkable Feature: His well muscled torso and that nip slip
Voice Reference: Jensen Ackles as Jason Todd
Theme Song: Riot by Three Days Grace

Education:Zae's education mostly revolves around things he needs to know as a noble, and as the future Marshall of the Court. He is proficient in negotiation, time management, mathmatics and record keeping. He knows the laws of the kingdom backwards and forwards, and has sat witness to many trials. To aid him when he travels, he has also been taught horsemanship, combat (hand to hand and mounted), and hunting. Hunting is one area where Zae struggles. Staying on his horse is another. He reads and writes very well. 
Religion: Though he attends daily prayer sessions, and celebrates religious holidays along with the rest of the kingdom, Zae has found himself questioning the legitimacy of the gods more than once.
Finances: The Bellandus family is well off, though Zae is only allowed money when his parents feel he has earned it. All wages earned from assisting the king are his own, but he often saves them. His only recent purchase was a horse of his own. 

History + Relationships

Ethnicity: Illorian
Hometown: Leasas (Illoria's capital)
Birthday: January 9th, 1582 (Capricorn)
Legal Guardians: Zaccai and Vita Bellandus, Stephen Talvace
Mother: Vita Bellandus
Mother's age at birth: 22
Brief Description: Vita, though well educated and proud, knows her place in the world of nobility. When she isn't assisting her husband or standing in for him in times of absensce, she oversees the education of the noble girls in the castle's service, farming throughout the kingdom, and the operations of the kitchens. She is accomplished with embroidery and dance. Vita's only retaliation from the lines of an ideal noblewoman is her love of climbing trees and running through grass barefoot. She also enjoys practicing her skills with a quarterstaff. 
Relationship: Zae and his mother have what you might call a textbook mother and child relationship. She ensures that he is always cared for and behaving in a way that will not shame their family. When it is time for him to learn a new aspect of his future role as Marshall of the Court, she takes the time to teach it to him thoroughly. Though they often ask about each other's wellbeing and current workload, they seldom have heart to heart

Azazael Bellandus's Tokotas
Illoria's Eowyn 31898 - First Tokota
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