Every Time is Toko Time!

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Name: Aciana Veden-De

Nicknames, if any: Cia

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Key Characteristics, if any: 

Strong for her age, lots of endurance and plenty of experience in tracking, hunting, and fishing.  Tans easily.

Height: Kinda short - 136 cm



Has no time for any of this BS.  Cuddly Tokotas are excepted.



Has been helping her grandparents around the ranch since she was five, after her parents died in a hunting accident and they adopted her.  Her Grandpa died at sea when she was eight, and since then it's just been her and her Grandma managing things.  Her Grandma's been teaching her everything she knows about Tokota care and how to hunt, fish, and manage the ranch and all the ranch hands once she's grown.  Her constant companion at the ranch is Malachite, her father's old tokota, but he's growing old and can no longer keep up with her even in the tame fields outside the ranch.  Knowing she needed a new Tokota to keep her safe outside the ranch, her Grandma gave her a toki as a present for her twelfth birthday. She was delighted, and named him Starstruck.  Starstruck's been much more manageable for her, completely willing to go on long expeditions out in the fields, and most important he's also of the right size for her to be able to ride easily.

Cia's Tokotas
Malachite 19340 - Father's Tokota
Honeyglow 31112 - Secondary
Moon on the Sand 11600 - Secondary
Little Bit 16759 - Secondary
Tamarack 25750 - Secondary
Raindrops 32658 - Secondary
Lucky Charm 33479 - Secondary
Satisfactual 34597 - Secondary
Wishful Thinking 34621 - Secondary
Adonis 3647 - Secondary
Hjala 13141 - Secondary
Itiruk 18565 - Secondary
Hot Cocoa 18936 - Secondary
Diamond Dust 22417 - Secondary
Pimiento 23154 - Secondary
Shale 24363 - Secondary
Clove 24511 - Secondary
Pumpkin Tartlette 25399 - Secondary
Sugar Glaze 25758 - Secondary
Mariana 26509 - Secondary
Stormy Eyes 26538 - Secondary
Maple Syrup 26550 - Secondary
Noria 28061 - Secondary
Fern Frost 28408 - Secondary
Macchi 29621 - Secondary
Sundrops 30814 - Secondary
Summer Rain 31166 - Secondary
Snowberry 31983 - Secondary
Smoke in the Wind 32226 - Secondary
Ivory 32956 - Secondary
Starstruck 33636 - Secondary
Vanilla Bean 34477 - Secondary
Moondance 34740 - Secondary
Goldfish 35047 - Secondary
Honeybear 35487 - Secondary
Impossible Odds 38196 - Secondary
Obocri - Assistant Handler
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