Every Time is Toko Time!

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She was as unfortunate as most born in Black Pine country. Doomed since birth many would say, yet she grew strong and large, with hulking shoulders and muscular legs. Her pack was small and strict about venturing near the human settlements, but it was only when confidence overtook caution that she got a little too close to the humans. She was no where near their homes, yet here they were, horrid creatures right in front of her, their round faces sneering and dancing. She lunged forward, her anger simmering. 


At first she thought it was water, but in all her years water never burned in this way. She cried out to the gods as she felt the liquid tearing apart her face and for the first time fear took root. It bubbled and boiled, sending waves of undescribable panic throughout her body. Her mind blanked and all she felt was fear and pain, so much burning pain. Howling, she swiped at the human and the one next to him and so forth. Another wave of agony had her scampering away, leaving the still bodies behind her. 

Anger consumed her then. And when her pack left to follow the herds, she remained, determined to kill the condemed. They took her sight, but she knew their smell; it haunted her every waking hour. But she did not stop there. Homesteads were terrorized. Sheep and cattled mauled but not eaten. Her haunting cries echoed across Black Pine Country.


It wasn't until the strange small man came. He smelled different, not like the humans she was familiar with. He scared her. Man was to be feared, but he was odd. He did not leave. He did not heed her warnings, instead, he comforted and calmed with a soothing sound that danced along the winds. It brought life to her woods and she welcomed it. And For first time in a long time, her anger subsided.

Goreface's Tokotas
Noatak - companion
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