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Kanerva Ikirouta



Tokota breeder and holds a daycare center




Name: Kanerva Ikirouta

Nickname: Kanika

Age: 20 y/o

Gender: Female

Tribe: Spirits of the aurora

Place in tribe: Breeder and daycare center keeper


Looks: Brunette with hair long enough to touch her shoulders. She is bit chubbyy and her face is well rounded with kind features. She wears a long brown tunic that is lined with white stoat fur. She wears dark brown baggy pants and long dark leather boots. She rarely uses a cloak but when she does it is a dark wool cape with a dirty white sheepskin on the shoulder to keep her warm. A black brooch that is decorated with a forged head of Aippaq that keeps the cloak in place.


Personality: Very kind and empathic girl with lots to talk about. She loves to take care of tokos and has a big mother hen type of a personality when it comes to her babies (or any toko babies for the matter). She loves tokis as she thinks they are just small baby tokos, but she really doesn't like dires and tries to keep away from them.


History: She was raised at the outskirts of a small village in the mountains. She lived a very quiet and harsh life with a foster mother and her foster big brother Louhi. They lived a stable enough life with farming everything they could, fishing and hunting when they could. It went on like that until Louhi's mother fell sick to a disease that even the village's healer couldn't treat. Louhi being around 14 at that time and Kanerva being 8, they weren't able to do much other than just watch as their mothers contition worsen. Louhi tried his best providing for his young sister and his sick mother as long as he could, but one day their mother passed. Both were devostated, and to an 8 years old it was quite the shock. She fell into a deep depression for quite a while after that, but time went on. After their mothers death, their closest neightbour took them in and they had a roof over their head. Their neightbour happened to be a tokota breeder with 6 of these massive beasts. There they learned to take care of, ride and truly read them. Kanerva felt a connection to these beasts and grew up with them. She felt ease at their company and getting to know them was what helped with her mind and depression. Slowly she came to accept what had happened and she opened up. After that she became a much happier person and years went on as she truly learned to take care of them and she knew what she wanted to do. For years Louhi had talked of wanting to be part of something bigger and one day he had came back from the markets with huge dire. Kanerva had never been good with dires and this particular one was very bad to show example of what they could be. The dire was aggressive and snappy and only loyal to Louhi who had had longer time to get to know it. During the coming weeks Kanerva tried to take contact with it and one day the dire just snapped as Kanerva was trying to bond with it. The dire jumbed on her and she fell to the ground. She was pushed to the ground in a heartbeat by serval hundred of kilos worth of teeth and hatered and the dires claws dug into her body. She was paralised by fear and if it wouldn't have been for Louhi who had come to see what all of the commotion was she doesn't know it she would still be alive. Louhi took the dire off her and was devostated that something like this had happened. The dire was so kind to him and he didn't understand why it had done something like that. Kanerva and Louhi didn't talk for days after that and after a week Louhi had announced that he would be leaving. They tried to talk it over but neither knew what to say so they just left it. Then Louhi left and they didn't see each other for a while. During these years Kanerva and Louhi grew apart and these days they have very little contact.

Kanerva Ikirouta's Tokotas
Tuuluuwaq 25367 -
Ohanzee 9595 -
Tappolaukaus 34146 -
Ryan Ortega -
Louhi Viimaluoto - Foster sibling
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