Every Time is Toko Time!

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Aputi Theroux



Co Alpha Leader of the tribe ElkHaven, specializes in hunting and survival and helps train members in those areas. 25 year old Cis Female, half Native and half french but speaks inuit and english. 


Aputi is half Inuit and half english/French. Her mother was full Inuit and met her father when he was vacationing in the area and stayed for her mother. Her mother was an experienced hunter and trapper and made blankets and other items from pelts and bones to sell and trade and did basically everything a man and woman did on her own, which Aputi learned as well as her family was big on self reliance. She always knew of tokotas, but her family never had one. Her mother always fed the wild ones though as she believed they kept things like bears and moose out of the area and protected them. Her "first" tokota was a wild long mane that followed her mother home from a hunting trip and she learned with her mother how to handle, ride, and take care of them. She lost her entire family by 16 and was left with her mothers tokota, who she lost to old age two years later. She adopted taktuq at a local adoption fair and has never been lonely since. 


As a handler she specializes in exploration and hunting large game like bears and tries to play towards individual strengths.

Aputi Theroux's Tokotas
Taktuq 6686 - Main Partner
Tapeesa 9133 - Fishing Specialty
Kunik 10051 - Exploration Specialty
Ukluk 11461 - Big Game Specialty
Aningan 16982 - Tiny Terror
Alornerk 22662 - Bigger Terror
Aitut 32938 - Show Tokota
Narearpok 33227 - Explorer
Sukaq 34116 - Explorer
Amka 36005 - Welcoming Committee
Essence 19287 - Soft Lady
Aconitum 30346 - Local Menace
Syrius 32899 - Timid Boy
Pana 34352 - Prince Charming
Nanurjuk 38860 - Super Explorer
Meriwa 39220 - Diver
Hiti 39349 - Day Ruiner
Qilaq 39350 - Anxiety City
Kissimi 39559 - Lonely Girl
Yura 39621 - Debutante
Anatole 39970 - Hates Everyone
Saga 49262 - Small Hunter
Sailuk - Close Friend
Song of the Owls Pack - Monitors Health and Behavior
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