Every Time is Toko Time!

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Bijou Auclair



A quiet girl from france who was, more or less, a prisoner of wealth. Her parents kept her inside at all times to practice her piano lessons and other lady like expectations like proper eating ettiquet and dancing. If asked her parents would say they were protecting her from being left alone with her condition, but it was really an excuse to make their defective daughter worth something in their eyes.


On a rare trip to the outside garden one day a man asked for her time from the other side of the gate. She learned he was an adventurer and took his albino toki, Atlas, on his adventures. He would then write about them and publish them before going on his next trip. Bijou was instantly amazed by his travels and he gifted her a new book every week he visisted, right under her parents noses. 

It filled her head with possibilities and desires she never had before. And against her learned better judgement she began to rebel against her parents. It was only small things, messing up her music sheets, getting her dress dirty, stepping on her instructors toes. But it was enough for her parents to punish her harshly. She was banned to her room, but instead of being distraught she snuck out from her balcony and over the garden fence. 

She wouldnt look back until she was well out of town and started to realize her mistake. She left her doctors, her protection, her education, and she knew if she went back she would be punished even harsher. But then she heard a yip and saw Atlas at her side. She was lead to the man she started calling a friend and his campsite right outside of town. 

The two started travelling together with a small group of other adventurers and their tokotas, and Atlas proved to be a great service dog for Bijou's blood disorder. He alerted her when her levels were low and she rarely had attacks while with his company. Two years later, she was asked by her friend to take Atlas as her own and explore the endless land on her own for a little while, knowing it would be just what the sheltered woman needed. She headed into Tokotna with her new toki Atlas to discover the magic held in their mountains and hasnt regretted it once.

Bijou Auclair's Tokotas
Atlas 36306 - Adventure Partner, Service Tokota
Poet 48010 -
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