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The Shoof Family



Human World

Sfojn, a 40-something year old woman has lived a successful but mostly solitary life. Having made friends with Henry, they had made the choice to marry to both protect their sexualities from public knowledge, as well as for tax and health insurance benefits. Henry is a 50-something year old Navy Marine, who, under the general rule of "Don't Ask Don't Tell," took Sfojn's offer to hide his preferences.

Together, they conceived their first pregnancy, which resulted in the fraternal twins, Madison and Mason, now both 18 respectively. The two are incredibly inceperable, fully living by the code "Live together, die together." No one can bully the twins other than themselves. The two are incredibly athletic, focusing strongly on soccer. Due their opposing genders, they're unable to play on the same team. However, they do rely on each other for practice, and provided their games don't lie on the same day, never skip supporting the other.

After a long deployment, Henry and Sfojn conceived their third child, Marcus, now aged 15. He's on the more nerdy side of interests, enjoying anime and game tournaments. He's very much a mama's boy, and competes with his younger sister often.

After only a year, Mabelle was conceived, now aged 14. She follows similar in her brother Marcus' interests, but participates more with cosplay and content creation of her own.

After another, although shorter, deployment, the couple conceived their youngest child, Marley, now aged 12. Marley was struck with the "baby of the family" syndrome, and seems to be able to do no wrong. Unfortunately for the other siblings, she is what could be classified as a "hellion."

The Shoof Family's Tokotas
Sfojn WF151 - Matriarch
Madison 45282 - The Twins
Mason 45283 - The Twins
Marcus 46186 - Third
Mabelle 46559 - Fourth
Marley 46818 - Baby
Henry 49209 - Hubby
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