Every Time is Toko Time!

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Story Central Intro for Newcomers!



So this is just my take on what Story Central is and used for. This may not be the same opinion shared by the Tokota team or other users of the site. Bear in mind, I'm only going by an assumed opinion!


What is it? Story Central is where you can place your handler's bios. This can include general appearances, family, loved ones, hobbies, etc. You can form backstories on how they came to Tokotna, their role there etc. You can also create Tokota packs, timelines etc.

What are Packs? These are normally Tokotas you have personally set aside due to their personaility. Many people, like myself, may have Tokotas based off of movies, tv shows, or video games, and these guys may share similar personality traits such as being highly aggressive towards humans but not other Tokotas, or highly aggressive to set humans but not other Tokotas. Others may have Service Tokotas (like a service dog) and therefore they keep these guys together in the same pack and or kennels!

Timelines? This is where you can introduce things, such as move from one kennel location to another. Tokotna events (like our past summer event), or a taming event that you may have won and or participated in and still have permissions to use the Tokota in future HP entries.

Locations? This includes your default kennel location (can be a made up location or a real one), your tribe's location within Tokotna (if you're apart of one) etc. Locations can also include loved places for your handler and their Tokotas to go too, during times of high stress to relax and reset, or a holiday getaway that only they know about.

Connections? These are basically whose included with whom. For example, my OC Hitomi Celeste is connected with all of her Tokotas to a varying degree, however, she shares a stronger bond with others. She's also a mother and a wife. So these 'connections' can be added when you go to save a story element as long as these elements have already been added to you Story Central ^^

Permissions? This lets other Tokota users know they are welcome to use the information you've provided in your Story Central, that it's okay for them to use it. You can pick and choose who has this permissions or, make a general announcement to let all users know they're welcome to do so!

Story Central Intro for Newcomers!'s Tokotas
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