Every Time is Toko Time!

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Cheyenne Tayler



A used-to-be art theif that retired rather abruptly after she ran into an old friend during one of her heists.  Cheyenne can be abrasive, quick to temper, and loud.  Her always on the move type of mentality can often get her into trouble and ultimately is what led to her gaining a "spirit shape" or being able to change into a strange maned-wolf type canid at will.  For as driven as Cheyenne can be she is that way in all aspects of her life including her love for her family and friends.  She is currently in a relationship with Dune Kyoya, not yet married, and not sure if they ever will be by law though they are inseparable their spirits well entwined at this point.  Cheyenne is also the co-owner of a Tokota rescue center known as the New Life Ranch that she and Dune opened in an attempt to not only restart their own lives but the lives of the Tokotas and even the friends that have begun showing up on their doorstep.

Cheyenne Tayler's Tokotas
Kaia 9957 - First Tokota Cheyenne owned
Dain 11052 -
Farrah 11393 -
Calfuray 16666 -
Brida's Arrival - Handler
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