Every Time is Toko Time!

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Varrick Liam



Name: Varrick Liam


Age: 19

Date of Birth: September 21st 830

Place of Birth: Wall Rose, Trost District

Ethnicity: German, Italian

Residence(s): Wall Rose, Karanese District

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight



Hair: Brown

Hair Style(s):  Combed back neatly

Eyes: Green

Skin: Tan

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 136 lbs

Scars/Tattoo(s): Scar on his left cheek from flying debris while fighting titans



AFFIATION: Survey Corps.

FORMER AFFIATION: 104th Trainee Squad


STYLE: Varrick likes to be tidy and his clothes wrinkle less. He keeps his hair in order and rarely lets it get out of hand.

FAMILY: 3 younger sisters Ember, Klarissa and Rae, and his mother Catarina and father Bram Liam

FRIENDS/BEST FRIENDS: Evon Müller , Geneva Serle, Adalee Novak, Johnathan and Orkid his new mount. 

PERSONALITY: He is also a good judge of character, prepares for any issue well, and can quickly come up with a plan to avoid danger. However, at times he can also be impulsive, not thinking through all the consequences of his actions.  Varrick is also a bit eccentric in his own way but kind and protective of those he deeply cares for.

FLAWS/WEAKNESSES: Varrick is a VERY bad liar.

LIKES: Reading, and spending time with his friends but also tinkering with his gear to make them better. Grooming Orkid.

DISLIKES: Titans, and bullies

FEARS: Losing his friends to titans and failing mission and getting blamed for it.


GOALS: See the world outside the walls of Trost and defeat the titans.

OTHER: He thinks Eren is insane and that he's going to get himself and others killed in the wake of his recklessness. Varrick has a crush on Adalee but has a hard time hiding it from her.

FUN FACT: After losing his horse to a titan attack he is given a specially bred tokota to train and ride named Orkid. 

STORY/BACKSTORY: Born in Trost District during the era of peace Varrick grew up a middle class family with his mother, father and three younger sisters, Ember, Klarissa and Rae. His mother was a seamstress working out of their home watching his younger siblings while his father was a merchant who traveled out of the walls and traded with the outer districts. He would often spend a lot of time with his three friends Adalee, Evon and Geneva who dreamed to see the world beyond the walls but mostly spent time playing by the canal. He wanted to protect his family and knew when he got old enough he would join the miltary police but thats when Wall Maria had been breached by the colossal titan changing everything. To much of his parent's disapproval he joined the scouts with his childhood friends to help with the effort to take back the city from the titans. Varrick spent three years in the 104th Trainee squad with his friends and once wall Rose was breached he and other trainees helped to eliminate the titans but it was a failed mission. He later joins the Survey Corps. because his friends joined plus he wanted to see the world outside the walls as he did as a child.  He watched as his friend John is eaten by a oncoming titan.  On the 55th expedition he and his horse are attacked by a titan while they are scouting ahead. His horse is killed and he returns home on a spare but he is given a specially bred tokota he names Orkid. The tokota is one of 12 bred for speed, endurance to outrun titans, soundness and gentleness. Varrick names his new tokota Orkid with some help of Adalee and Evon.

Varrick Liam's Tokotas
Orkid 9949 -
Elsa 2366 - Orkid's Handler
Twilight 10226 - Orkid's Handler
Kira 5077 - Orkid's Handler
Tempestade 13646 - Orkid's Handler
Evon Müller - Friend and Comrad
Adalee Novak - Friend, Comrad, and Crush
Geneva Serle - Friend and Comrade
Survey Corps Pack - Orkid's Handler
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