Every Time is Toko Time!

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Trout River



Trout River: This river is given its namesake due to the abundance of trout and other fish that flourish here. There's nothing but wildlife; from deer, raccoons, bears, eagles, hawks, ducks, owls, beavers, geese, squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs, voles, mice, snakes, and more. Bats will sometimes make appearances in the evening, catching insects just like the bank swallows along the river. Other features of the landscape include towering old trees and fields of tall grasses. A strange characteristic about the river that not many know about is that it actually flows north.


The river is approximately 500 ft. wide and runs for miles. Where her home resides there's about an acre of land on the riverfront. Sapphire has a canoe, wheelbarrow, axe, and fireplace near the banks including a swing dangling from a high tree branch plus chairs to sit around the campfire.



During the winter, this river has potential to freeze along the banks, and it's common to see chunks of ice floating downstream. When spring arrives, it's prone to extreme flooding and it's advised to steer clear of it during storms. Summers can be quite hot, autumns are rather pleasant yet chilly. You can spot mulberry, apple and pear trees upon walking out in the open fields and along the river and surrounding areas.



Sapphire has a brick house settled close to the banks on a hill about 250 ft. away from the river itself. Her folks live in this area and sometimes can be found in a location 5 miles out from the riverfront home. She likes to fish on the river and go canoeing, rafting, or simply swimming. More often than not you can tip over tree stumps and logs to dig up worms to use for bait while fishing. Minnows, tadpoles, frogs, and crayfish are common to find here as well. The Tokota handler is notorious for coming to this part of the territory to gather firewood, collect berries and honeysuckles, or just enjoy nature. At times she will invite friends over to host bonfires or a nice cookout to make hot dogs and s'mores. 



On the outskirts lie a sulfur creek, abandoned railroads and bridges, as well as old coal mines. An old gravel path runs by the territory, which leads to an abandoned railroad bridge and Iocal market if you head southbound. If you travel north on the trail there is a campground and an area close to the river that supposedly reeks of death.



It is advised not to step in the sulfur creek, plus the smell it gives off is pungent and smells like rotten eggs. The orange colored creek is very close in proximity to Whitetail Isle. Rabbits and deer are mainly spotted around this area. There is also a large open field nestled below the hill and connects to the gravel trail.

Sirius Pack - Eastern Side of Pack Territory
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