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Iron Horse Trail



Iron Horse Trail is said to be a former railroad path that was eventually taken apart and turned into a passageway for locals and tourists. Heading further south along the trail only proves this to be true, as an old bridge that harbored railroad tracks still remains. It is advised to be extremely cautious when crossing the old bridge, as there are gaps in the wooden beams where one could easily slip and fall into the river below. If you do happen to fall... you better hope you don't land in the shallow areas.

Crossing over to the other side of Trout River where the current railroad resides, there is a gravel and dirt trail that allows one to travel on foot. Many have attempted to destroy this part of the territory in the past, but the Tokotas of the Sirius Pack now guard it, enough to scare any criminals away. 

When approaching the railroad bridge, there is a small secret dirt trail that is extremely narrow and steep that leads to the riverbank; this one is on the left, while another is on the right that is less challenging to traverse. This and a few other shortcuts lead to great fishing spots along the river or simply just be a private oasis to sit back and relax. A small wooden picnic table is nearby, a perfect resting place to eat lunch or have a snack after walking along the trail. There is also a large boulder near the picnic table and trail itself where visitors like to take photo ops.

When traveling along Iron Horse Trail, it is always advised to be weary of the steep, towering cliff faces that are further inland. Rockslides or landslides can happen at any moment. Benches are placed at the sides of the trail closest to the river, where one can gather scenic views of Trout River from far up on the hill the trail is situated on. 

Travelers of all kinds come by this trail. Whether on foot, bicycle, even horseback! It is rare for horseback riders to come through, but when they do, it's a sight to see. Though it is even more unheard of, four wheelers can come by, but it is advised you do not use them; dirt bikes are generally more acceptable and tolerated. Deer, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, bears, and all kinds of birds can be seen here.

When in Sirius Pack Territory, you are more than welcome to pick a few raspberries and honeysuckles along Iron Horse Trail! However, destruction of any property within the territory is prohibited, and you will be chased out by the Tokotas that are in the area.

Sirius Pack - Eastern Side of Pack Territory
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