Every Time is Toko Time!

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Name: Jax Holly

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Personality: He is always excited to go out and get things done, be they small tasks for the day or if a big ride is planned. Having a high energy personality, he's also a bit of a daredevil who loves to test his limits and seeks new thrills. Competition is something that get's his heart pumping if it involves speed. He does not know everything and can easily admit to that, but it does agrivate him that he is the lowest on the decision makeing totem pole of his family. To newcomers he is quite curious about them, but aslo acts withdrawn and a little shy until they start talking.

History: Brother to Basil & nephew to Port
He left his home with his brother to seek the aid of their uncle. He was urged to stay, but left anyways remaining loyal to his brother instead of the rest of his family. He has been cast out but not disowned, and his family expects to see him crawling back any day now.
Being lucky enough to have Port accept he and his brother easily, Jax was given his first Tokota, Rain, to train and earn his keep with. The two have such simmilar personalities and a knack for trouble that they usually are not far apart. At first, training his toko was a hobby to bring a little bit of prey in. Now that time has past and the pack of tokos on the ranch have swelled, it's a full time job to keep all of them happy and healthy.

Ground working the tokos.
Breaking in the wild and uruly of the bunch.
Full throttle style hunting when alone, darish hunting when in a group.
Personable and easy to befriend.
Always willing to go do something.

Height - many people think he is 13.
Boyish appearance.
Physical restaining power is limited, he has to get crafty to stop a toko from dragging him.
Can get bored an into trouble.

Jax's Tokotas
Ice 26969 -
Fay 26984 -
Ember 27561 -
Vixen 27564 -
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