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Irontooth Pack



The Irontooth pack is a fierce pack of large tokotas living in the Tartoks. The founders of this pack belonged to Fenrir's pack long ago, and split off to form a new one. This pack lives in harsh, unforgiving conditions where only the toughest and strongest can survive. Due to this lifestyle, the pack will only keep and raise the largest, hardiest pups-- the ones who can survive the rough climate through infancy. Most pups are taken away from the mountains, and left with other packs residing in warmer valleys and forests. This tradition of rehoming all but the largest of pups is for their own good, and is not done in a cruel or uncaring nature. They do not abandon these pups, and they travel far and wide to make sure their pups find good homes. The rehomed pups are welcome to return to the Irontooth pack once they are grown, if they can prove they have what it takes to survive.

Irontooth Pack's Tokotas
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