Every Time is Toko Time!

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ღ Full Name: Sinopa (refuses to tell anyone her last name)

ღ Nicknames: Sin, Vixen

ღ Age: 24 

ღ Height: 5'3"

ღ Personality: Sin is incredibly sassy and flirtacious, she likes to cover her naive nature about Tokota's with jokes and snide remarks. 

 History: Sinopa woke up in the middle of the Tokotna wild, surrounded by snow and wet noses with no recollection of where she was, who was she was or what these creatures were. She gains memories here and there but usually they are from another world, a world of Fey and unicorns. Fortunately the wet-nosed Tokota's seemed to belong to an Elder, who was able to put a roof over her head and keep her fed while she explained her surroundings. Shortly after her arrival at the woman's house, the woman was due to travel to a distant tribe and instructed Sin with the temporary care of her remaining Tokotas, but she never came back. After waiting several weeks, or even months, for her return, Sinopa soon found they were running out of supplies and so packed up the rest of the Tokotas and the makeshift pack soon were out in the wilderness, before arriving at Whisperhaven Ranch. 

ღ Appearance: Sin has the ability to shapeshift, however she has yet to master controling the ability and generally stays in her anthromorphic form, a red fox bat. She has yet to master returning to her initial human form, supposedly due to her anger and inner turmoil of emotions. 

Sinopa's Tokotas
The OG Crew - Reluctant Handler of the Pack
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