Every Time is Toko Time!

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Kari Norfolk



Age: 25
Gender: Female
Lives in: Pilitak Outpost
Looks: short, dark brown hair, dark skin, blue eyes.
Always wears a bracelet with a green butterfly charm.
Loves punk rock music. And all her tokos.
Is scared of dires.
Cannot ride her tokos.
Her sister, Luna Norfolk, died when her tokota Huinn went mad and bit Luna.
Love interest: Duncan Carmine (belongs to Shangry-Ia)
Tokotas: Alric, Caoimhe, Nael, Yue, Malka, Iriel

Kari Norfolk's Tokotas
Alric 23109 - He's her pack-leader and her first toko. They're very close
Caoimhe 24393 - Alric treats her like a sister, but Ceevsies fell in love with one from another pack. As for Kari, she likes her handler a lot
Nael 28390 - Due to going to the Tartok-Mountains together, these two have grown a lot together
Yue 29972 - Yue is not very close to anyone. She's not one for humans. Or other tokos
Malka 24301 - Mal came to Kari as an abandoned pup and was taken in by Caoimhe
Malka 24301 -
Iriel 31665 - Kari used to be really scared of Ire and still doesn't go close when he's upset.
Kavi 37519 - tentative friend
Duncan Carmine - Kari's boyfriend
Ylvah Snowden - Best friends here, definitely
Benjamin von Adlersthal - they've met, but aren't friends quite yet
Joshuach "Josh" Milwater - Josh kinda hates Kari. A LOT
Rainflower of the T'Artok Clan - they're not very close, but like each other just fine
Kari's Pack - her pack
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