Every Time is Toko Time!

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Jacqueline Havin'nth



Mostly stoic and with very little concern for others unless money is involved, Jacqueline is the anthro to call if you need anything - including offing someone if the price is right. Lately though, she has found herself in Tokotna through some fluke of nature from Ver'ra and she has been striving to make ends meet through taking on odd jobs and hunting to trade pelts. She has a strong dislike for corvids and believes they're bad luck, but can be startled or frightened by a large group of them if they invade her personal space. She loves her first tokota Saurenai more than life itself and can be extremely combative if Saurenai was in danger. She cares deeply for tokotas in general and cannot stand to see one suffer; rushing to the aid of strange tokotas without thought of the risks involved. When it comes to other handlers however, she could really care less; though she has been known to be at least nominally friendly to other handlers that seem to treat their animals with great care. The orb on her collar is actually a fish bowl; while no fish is in it currently (as her last died when she was brought to Tokotna), she is searching for a decent replacement to fill the orb. Currently it is filled with dyed water. She also adores her guan dao - taking special pride in keeping it sharp and clean. Try to take her weapon and you may just have sentenced yourself to death. She's a golden tabby angora anthro with short, slightly darker hair that is usually pulled tight into a pony tail.

Jacqueline Havin'nth's Tokotas
Saurenai 6891 -
Lanetal 13060 -
Anaheim 28733 -
Valencia 32796 -
Fillmore 41635 -
Gaviota 46127 -
Faoiltiama 5376 -
Bromen 7283 -
Maur'rok 7502 -
Caesar 8060 -
Donovan 8120 -
Wilkow 8569 -
Anuket 10114 -
Ohen 10276 -
No'tek 10707 -
Pyralis 12321 -
Nobuhiko 12460 -
Ker'chek 12706 -
Ta'al 12737 -
Gabaltan 12756 -
Cinnamon Dulce 19559 -
Cheddar 19599 -
Adante 21251 -
Chuko 26864 -
Corrin 27047 -
Delfina 28019 -
Veritas 28215 -
Carlsbad 28643 -
Carpenteria 31540 -
Gwenyver 33429 -
Colma 46054 -
Napa 46074 -
Moraga 46396 -
Horus 46709 -
Stormbringer 49295 -
Fabian Havin'nth - Bonded
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