Every Time is Toko Time!

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Andrea Mitchell



Andrea is a fawnfolk female who grew up in the woods earning a living by granting help to those who could not find out the problems with their trusted animal companions using her gift of feral tongue, which allows her to communicate with any living animal of the wild. As she went through this way of living she became friends with a brother and sister pitbull (anthro) named Jamaal and Big Red who wished to stay with her rather than go hom. She and her new found friends then brought a lovely run down cabin with their savings and rebuilt it into a big beautiful home fit for humans and tokotas alike being sure to add a paddock with single stalls for tokotas to sleep aswell as a barn for livestock with a nice pasture out back. Andrea became the owner of ths Wild Run Ranch for abused, misguided, and mistreated tokotas aswell as a livstock farm for big packs and other shelters who need a steady source of feed for their tokotas.

Andrea Mitchell 's Tokotas
Jamaal & Red Collins - Boss/Adoptive Mother/Best Friend
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