Every Time is Toko Time!

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Act Four; As It Stands

October 10, 2020
(Timeline Event)


It was only a few days before the main Tokoween events that Thad found the perfect person. They only had one tokota themselves, an akota of all things, but the dear thing was a cub, all limbs and baby teeth and a large wet nose.

Thad was smitten with it, and it was clear they were as well. The way they fussed over the cub, and over the other tokotas in the territory as he took them for a walk around to explain his position in the tribe...

He knew he'd found the person he needed. There was obviously paperwork involved, and the shifter, Blake their name was, was happy to fill it all out, to do anything Thad asked of them.

And with a firm knowledge that everything was right, that the animals he loved and cared about were safe, that the tribe wouldn't be lost without a shaman...

He felt comfortable enough leaving. With a promise to check in every now and again.

September 1, 2020 - Act One; The Beginning of the End - Part IV
September 15, 2020 - Act Two; The Shepherd and his Flock - Part IV
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