Every Time is Toko Time!

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Espen Halvorsen



Espen is 6'3" tall and weighs in at a sturdy 268 lbs. He is 39 years old and co-owns a homestead with his younger sister Erna and they share responsibility for their pack of Tokotas.  He is rugged and easy going, more focused on getting the tokos out into the wilderness to work their natural instincts, he enjoys hunting, trapping, fishing and camping out under the stars.  His level headed leadership helps keep the homestead stable and running smoothly even in his absences when he goes roaming with the tokos.
Despite the distances he travels with the pack he only rarely rides, preferring instead to walk or run alongside using them only to assist in carrying supplies when absolutely necessary.

For reference purposes he is generally clothed in ancient Norse/Viking style clothing.  He may or may not be equipped with a short sword, dagger or staff.


He is mated to Ketilriðr (Kjelrithr) and they have three kittens - Sverrir the bold and angry teenager, Iðunn (Ithunn) the joyful preteen, and Njáll (Nyall) the poofy cloud of a baby.

Espen tends to favor rugged but amenable tokotas who he can work cooperatively with in some way.

Espen Halvorsen's Tokotas
Halvorsen's Tangled Mess 27256 -
Halvorsen's Diamond in the Rough 26015 -
Halvorsen's Jill of all Trades 28794 -
Jack 33709 -
Noe Ondt Pa Denne Maten Kommer 36534 -
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