Every Time is Toko Time!

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Erna (Halvorsen) Vragi



Erna is 5'10" tall and weighs around 164 lbs.  She is 33 years old and co-owns a homestead with her older brother, Espen, and they share responsibility over a pack of tokotas.  She is sturdy and outdoorsy but her main focus is on keeping the homestead going in the day-to-day and keeping things organized.  She enjoys performance sports, but has a wild streak and has been known to steal away with a favorite tokota for long private trips to reconnect with the world and find her center.  Unlike her brother she does greatly enjoy riding the tokotas, but only a select few of the pack with whom she has the closest bond.

For reference purposes she is generally clothed in ancient Norse/Viking style clothing. 

She may or may not be equipped with a bow and arrows.  She is usually wearing a rope to cinch the waist of her garments on which hang various pouches in which she keeps useful items, occasionally she also carries a small hunting sling.

Erna is mated to Steinarr Vragi and their single kitten - Hugleikr a shy but optimistic toddler.

Erna tends to prefer sturdy and steady tokotas with a sense of adventure.

Erna (Halvorsen) Vragi's Tokotas
Halvorsen's Wise Council 28422 -
Halvorsen's Adventurer 32867 -
Halvorsen's Harbinger 19541 -
Halvorsen's Glory 25831 -
Halvorsen's Blinding Light 27848 -
Absolem 41175 -
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