Tokotna Register


Admin - Cross Whisperer, Living Tokopedia & The Official Build Advisor of Tokotna, The Gambling Enabler, Eagle Eyed

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"UT:" (for tokotas with Unique Traits)

"Breeding" (for tokotas with breeding Traits and Companions)

"Mutations" (for tokotas with hereditary Mutations = Reversal/Melanistic/Leucistic/Cross/Marbled/Harlequin/Obsidian)

You can also write in the name of the Trait, Companion or Mutation.

For example, "Lovebirds" will show all the tokotas with Lovebirds.

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<< < 12 13 14 [15]
Results: 169-170 of 170 Results
Rebella 66770
Average | Female | Razor Mane | Tokota
Collared tundra with accents, pangare and rainmarks
UT: Limit Breaker
HP | Slots | Forms
Kuma 66905
Average | Male | Yeti Mane | Tokota
Greying black with accents
UT: Brother Bear
Breeding: Nanooks Shadow, Passionate
HP | Slots | Forms
<< < 12 13 14 [15]