Tokotna Register


Member - The Shifter

15,814 TT
- Special
x439 HP Token
x1 Soul Pool Water
Crafting Material
- General
x1 Cotton Fibers
Crafting Material
x1 Large Meat Chunks
Crafting Material
x2 Length of Wire
Crafting Material
x1 Paper
Crafting Material
x1 Uncommon Recipe
Crafting Material
- Breeding
- Companion
x1 Akita
x1 Caracal
Slotless Companion
x1 Po-Tay-To
Slotless Companion
x2 Treets
Slotless Companion
- Consumables
- Decor
- Event
- Gardening
x1 Alder
Crafting Material
x3 Aloe Vera
Crafting Material
x1 Blackberries
Crafting Material
x1 Blueberries
Crafting Material
x1 Button Mushrooms
Crafting Material
x1 Red Currant
Crafting Material
- Scraps
x1 Wild Turkey
Crafting Material
- Tack
- Taming
- Trait